Breast Accessories from Breast Milk

MommyMilk Creations Breast Milk Pendant


I was so intrigued when I heard about MommyMilk Creations’ breastmilk pendants. Buh…what now? You can read the MommyMilk Creations blog post to learn about how these are made, but she essentially plasticizes your breastmilk, preserves it in resin, then turns it into a beautiful keepsake.

I’m a little sad that I only have one picture of each of my children nursing, and I’m not in any of them (the rest of me anyway!) I also don’t have a mother’s necklace, or anything with all my children’s names on them, so I love the idea of putting a bit of my milk into the piece, since there is a lot of love involved in nursing children! Even so, it’s very discreet, and no one but me (um, and now the internet) needs to know that my milk is in the necklace!

It’s really hard to say what I think about this, it doesn’t seem like words will do it justice. It’s absolutely beautiful and I will treasure it. Allicia was so wonderful to work with, and the whole process was very easy. She only needs a little bit of milk, and I did find it easier to just hand express a bit as she suggested. I packaged it in a milk storage bag, then a Ziploc bag, then mailed it off to her. I received the necklace much more quickly than I expected!

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