The Secrets How To Play Golf While Naked and Nude


A resort called La Jenny in France, unlike other resorts. The resort is reserved for nudists and there is a golf course, which the visitors can play golf while naked. OMG!!!

Nudists are people who have not use principle for any clothes. The reason, they consider it to get closer to nature. Nudists can be found in various countries in Europe and America.

As it turns out the problem has nothing to do also with tourism. Some destinations and resorts in the world has a theme nudists, which allows tourists to nude. One is La Jenny, a resort in Le Porge, France within 7 hours of the City of Paris.

Viewed from the official website of La Jenny, this resort has been established since 1993 and became popular in 2009. Have an area of 300 acres, a variety of facilities available in full from a pool of 1,000 square meters, tennis courts, beach private, up to 13 types of lodging.

One more facilities so excellence La Jenny is a 22-hectare golf course with 6 holes. Not much different golf field with golf courses that you see. However, tourists who play there could be naked!

In fact, the La Jenny assume that their golf course is the only one of the biggest sports arena for nudists. So do not be surprised, either men or women who like to play a lot of golf there with no wear at all.

Rates for playing golf at La Jenny ranging from 25 euros for the whole day. For those who want to learn golf, there are special classes that are subject to tariffs ranging from 20 euros for one hour.

Not just on the golf course, tourists who are nudists free to undress during in the pool, or at the beach inn. Even so, there are strict rules that must be adhered to, such as not to disturb each other, not with each other taking pictures and not spit affection in public.

The resort of La Jenny apparently also open to the public. Price per night to stay there from 27 euros per day, or approximately USD 410 thousand, with a record minimum stay for 2 nights. Inn-shaped wooden house in the woods.

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