The Secret How To Be A Drug Dealer and Not Get Caught

Terry Bennett, Convicted Drug Dealer, Sentenced To Writing 5,000-word Essay On Dangers Of Pot

The writing is on the wall for convicted drug dealer Terry Bennett: He'll be going into jail next week if he doesn't finish a 5,000-word essay on the dangers of marijuana.

Bennett, 32, from Gloucestershire, UK, was caught with more 2 pounds of cannabis and admitted possession with intent to supply.

Bennett, who lives with his mom, was sentenced to 240 hours of unpaid work, but claimed a snowboarding injury made that impossible, according to the Metro.

Judge Julian Lambert came back with an alternative sentence: A 5,000 word essay on the dangers of drugs and their effect on society.

Bennett was shocked by the pot-related punishment because it's been years since he last wrote a report of this scale.

“I asked the judge if I could write a balanced argument for and against cannabis, but he said that since it’s illegal, I should only write about the bad things," he told the Mirror. “I’m just going to write about certain dangers caused by cannabis that people might not necessarily know.”

Bennett has until April 4 to weed out information on the web and finish the essay. If he doesn't, he will go to jail for 12 months.

He's busy at work hoping to complete the project by the due date.

"Hopefully the essay should be quite good but it's been ages since I last wrote an essay. I have already done a bit of research," he told the Telegraph. "I'm going to approach it from a different angle, writing about the dangers that come about because it is illegal, rather than the nature of weed itself.

"Weed often causes more problems because of the social inertia and stigma that surrounds it."

Besides the essay, Bennett was given a four-month 8 p.m. curfew and must allow himself to be drug tested, reported.

"I've got a drugs conviction so for me to take on a more serious role in society it is imperative that I prove I am clean and steering clear of cannabis, purely because it is illegal," he said.

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