Tunisian Naked Girl

Tunisian Woman Who Posted A Topless Picture Should Be Stoned To Death
Quarantine her!’ Top Tunisian Islamist says topless girl needs stoning

19 year old Amina poses topless and then posts her photo's on Facebook.

A Tunisian Salafi preacher has called for a 19-year old girl who posted her topless pictures on Facebook to be “quarantined” and stoned to death before she starts “an epidemic.”

Tunisian newspaper AssabahNews quoted Salafi preacher Alami Adel, who heads the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, saying: “According to God’s law, she deserves 80 to 100 lashes, but what she committed is worth much more than that. She deserves to be stoned to death and she must be quarantined because what she did is an epidemic.”

“She is like someone suffering from a serious and contagious illness and she must be secluded and treated,” he added.

The young Amina, who is part of a feminist movement and group called FEMEN can be seen smoking a cigarette topless with Arabic words written across her chest in black that reads in English “My body belongs to me.”

FEMEN is a Ukrainian based feminist group that gathers women together in Europe in topless protests in support of women’s rights.

Amina has been delivered by her parents to a psychiatric hospital in Tunis, according to reports received by FEMEN leader Inna Shevchenko in Paris and reported by the U.S. based magazine the Atlantic.

Tunisian media said that if Amina committed the offence in Tunisia, she could be punished by up to two years in prison and be given a fine between $60 and $600.

A petition and an international day of action on April 4 to highlight the threats against Amina have been organized by activists.

More than 10,000 people have signed the petition that called for those who threatened Amina’s life to be prosecuted.

On Thursday reports FEMEN’s Facebook account was hacked emerged. The page had reportedly been infiltrated with videos and pictures on the site being replaced by verses from the Koran.

“Thanks to God we have hacked this immoral page and the best is yet to come,” read one message signed by “al-Angour,” an apparent hacker.

FEMEN has released a statement condemning “barbarian threats of the Islamists about the necessity of reprisals against the Tunisian activist Amina.”

“We are afraid for her life and we call on women to fight for their freedom against religious atrocities” it added.

Last month, FEMEN brought together Iranian women in Sweden, who took to the streets of Stockholm demonstrating against the Hijab (Islamic headscarf).

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