Sell The Daughter for Prostitute

Thai mum jailed for prostituting daughter

A Thai prostitute who sold her daughter for sex for seven years, from the age of nine, has become the first person in Australia to be jailed for child trafficking.

In sentencing the 41-year-old woman to nine years' jail, Brisbane Supreme Court Justice David Boddice slammed her behaviour as the "horrendous" exploitation of an innocent child who was simply trying to please her mother.

"This behaviour was particularly shocking, despicable and reprehensible as it was undertaken by a parent for financial profit ... with no regard for common decency," he said.

The court heard on Tuesday that the abuse started when the child visited her mother on a holiday to Australia in 2004.

Prosecutor Todd Fuller SC said the woman brought the child permanently to Brisbane when she turned 11, making her a partner in the business.

Mr Fuller said the woman encouraged the child to perform a wide range of sexual services and threatened her with violence if she refused.

The woman told the daughter to exploit her clients - who paid her handsomely for services - for additional gifts and possible marriage.

"She regarded her daughter's virginity as a commodity that she could sell," Mr Fuller said.

The offending was discovered in 2011 when the girl complained to a family friend, who reported it to police.

The 41-year-old woman pleaded guilty to 20 charges, including child trafficking, procuring prostitution of a child, indecent treatment of a child and maintaining a sexual relationship with a child.
She will be eligible for parole after serving four years.

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