The Most Viewed Romantic Wedding Proposal

Jillian Pavlica: Fox 54 WZDX Huntsville news anchor reads own proposal on air

Saturday night on the FOX54 Nine O'clock News, weekend anchor Jillian Pavlica was surprised with a ring from her boyfriend Vince.

Her producer, Dana Conley, simply told her before the segment there was breaking news.  Dana told Jillian she wrote the script and put it in the teleprompter and instructed her to just read what was in there.

The "breaking news" script read, "We've got breaking news to share with you tonight. FOX54 has just learned that a Huntsville news anchor is being proposed to on live TV right now!"

Jillian made it to "proposed" and then figured it out.  Out came Vince, Jillian's boyfriend (now fiance).  He got on one knee and popped the question.

Jillian said yes!  You can send your congratulations via twitter to @JillianTV.

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