Zombie Babies Dolls

Zombie dolls are creepy new craze that just won’t die! Artist creates 'undead babies' with vampire-like teeth and piercing red eyes

    Bean Shanine, 32, dedicates up to eight hours a day creating the babies
    Reborn dolls are often used by mothers who cannot have children
    The dolls sell for $1,500 (£930) to collectors in the UK and all over the world
    Each doll needs 30 layers of paint and is then baked after every layer

Dedication: From vampire-like teeth to pale skin and piercing red eyes, creative Bean Shanine, 32, dedicates up to eight hours a day bringing to life her zombie babies

An eccentric artist is making a living out of the dead - by creating incredibly spooky zombie dolls which are proving a hit around the world.

From vampire-like teeth to pale skin and piercing red eyes, creative Bean Shanine, 32, dedicates up to eight hours a day bringing to 'life' her zombie babies.

Reborn dolls are often used by mothers who cannot have children, but Ms Shanine insists she receives almost entirely positive comments from people on the internet about her creations.

Her dolls have become so popular that Sharon Osbourne, wife of rocker Ozzy Osbourne, was recently given one on a US chat show - with the former X Factor judge describing it as 'very very well made... but slightly disturbing'.

The mother-of-four, who lives in Washington, USA, made her first monster baby in 2010 as a gift for a friend who takes part in an annual zombie walk in Vancouver, Canada.

But she soon turned her new hobby into a business - The Twisted Bean Stalk Nursery - and sells the creepy creations for as much as $1,500 (£930) to collectors in the UK and all over the world.

She said: 'Before I gave it to my friend I put it on eBay as a test just to see what would happen with a ridiculously high price to make sure it wouldn't sell.

Feedback: The creator insists she receives almost entirely positive comments from people on the internet

'Loads of people started asking when I would make another one as it was so good. I don't think anyone else was really making Reborn zombies and vampires at the time.

'I don't know exactly why I make zombies and vampires because I'm not a dark person at all. They're just different, there wasn't any at the time and the feedback was awesome.

'I have made more than 50 Reborn dolls and have sold every single one of them I have ever listed.

The thing which sets me aside from artists who make monster babies is that mine are genuine Reborn dolls.

'They are realistic and very tastefully done - no blood or guts - just real babies with fangs and glowing eyes. Yes they are creepy but they're really cute at the same time.

'These are expensive to make. People think the $650 starting price is high but it costs hundreds for supplies and big collectors will pay over $1500 if they really want one.

'It's like buying a painting from one of your favourite artists - they are all one of a kind. They are not toys and not suitable for young children to play with either.

'I would say a lot of work goes into making a doll look life-like and real than goes into making the dolls look scary.

'Each doll needs about 30 layers of paint and then you have to bake the doll after every single layer.

'After they are painted, you have to assemble them, add any finishing touches and root hair. If the hair is rooted that takes about eight hours or painting the hair takes about six.

'A lot of time and care goes into each one of my little monster creations.'

And even her own children don't find the bizarre playthings scary.

She added: 'People often ask me how my kids are around the dolls and what they think of them but with a mum who has pink hair and tattoos they can handle some dolls.

'My four-year-old thinks they're cool - most kids these days think zombies are awesome.

'I like to keep them tastefully done, no blood or guts or anything gross like that.

'I love doing what I do and hope people enjoy them just as much as I enjoy spending time making them.'

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