The World's Shrewdest Businessman

Don't mess with the Sugar King, Jibby

The following is a translation of the 忠政快讯 commentary on how Najib stole Robert Kuok's sugar business so that greedy UMNO
cronies could enjoy the profits, and how Malaysia 's economy suffered as a result.

Recently, the govt offended Robert Kuok.  As a result, the Malaysian economy suffered a great blow.  And now, after Chinese Premier
WJiabao's visit to Malaysia , Najib's administration truly understands Robert Kuok's influence in China .
Crony got richer, Malaysia got poorer

UMNO cronies are loyal when there's easy money for the taking.  To keep them happy, Najib twisted Robert Kuok's arm to get the
profits from his sugar empire.  As a result, UMNO cronies got richer by tens of billions of ringgit.  But it caused a national loss of
more than 200 billion for Malaysia as a whole!

(Those who have insider knowledge on this are still cursing until God knows when.)

So, the Malaysian sugar king was forced to leave his own country, but ironically, he has now become the world's sugar emperor. 
How?  He bought the world's largest sugar mills in Australia , investing a cool 10 billion US dollars.

So, Najib's government benefited a few UMNO families at the expense of national interests.  Very ungrateful, when it is a known fact
that Robert Kuok had given a lot of help to the Malaysian Govt for several decades.  A Chinese idiomatic expression calls this 'turning
a pig's intestine inside out' because on the other side is a lot of shit.
Palm oil slap in the face

In the global political gossip columns, insiders are smiling because Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's visit to Malaysia hit a snag with Najib. 
How?  You see, before this visit, Najib and his cabinet had hinted several times that they hoped China would double the amount of palm
oil imports from Malaysia .

China is the largest buyer of Malaysian palm oil.  But there is strong competition with Indonesia , which is trying to sell palm oil at lower
prices to China and India .  Najib is very worried about this.  So during the official visit, he hoped to seal a new palm oil trading contract
with China , to double the average of 10 million tonnes sold by Malaysia every month.

But Wen Jiabao said that this was impossible.  Najib was very disappointed.  He knew the Chinese market demand; even for China to
import 1,000,000 tonnes per day is not a problem.  So where was the problem? 

The problem was that Robert Kuok did not agree!

How was Robert Kuok able to influence China 's decision?  Who owns the monopoly of China 's national oil market?  The market leader
is Arowana cooking oil, accounting for nearly 40% of the market.  And the Arowana cooking oil boss is, Robert Kuok!

Think about it.  If Premier Wen Jiabao had agreed to buy more Malaysian palm oil, who is going to refine it into cooking oil?  Privatised enterprises, of course!  With 40% market share, if the Arowana cooking oil company refuses the additional supply, how is the Chinese
government going to utilise the extra crude palm oil?

Najib, insensible from the start, did not know that Kuok was so influential in China .  By helping UMNO cronies get rich, he jeopardized
the prosperity of Malaysia and its ordinary people.
Ask what Kuok has done for his country

After losing his throne, the Sugar King left Malaysia , understandably disappointed and unhappy.  Many people still remember that, in the
early days of Malaysia , we did not have aviation professionals, and the BN govt asked Kuok's father to help set up Malayan Airways.

In the 1970s, our maritime industry was also a vacuum, and Malaysian govt sent representatives to Hong Kong to request Kuok's help. 
For the sake of national development, Kuok put aside the Group's business and returned to Malaysia to help establish a national shipping
industry.  This later became MISC, the Malaysia International Shipping Corp.

When Malaysia repeatedly faced economy difficulties, Robert Kuok was a big help.  He even posted bail for MCA's Tan Koon Swan's
CBT case.  The govt owes Robert Kuok a great deal, but it used strong-arm tactics to forcefully take over Kuok's sugar empire in Malaysia . 
Truly ungrateful.
Kuok's relationship with China

When Deng Xiaoping announced China 's reforms, he needed aid from generous overseas Chinese entrepreneurs.  Robert Kuok promptly
joined other helping hands in the Chinese economic miracle such as Hong Kong 's Henry Fok and Li Ka-shing.  Kuok was the first to
respond to Deng Xiaoping in Beijing and built China 's first five-star hotel (Shangri-La).

Kuok has over 30 years of friendship with China 's leadership.  Najib failed to recognise this when he ate Kuok's sugar empire in Malaysia ,
partly to benefit the business connections of his greedy fat 'vampire' wife's family.  Imagine doing this to an international tycoon – what
humiliation in return for patriotic help in the past, from his own country?

Early this year, Kuok announced plans to invest US$10 billion in Indonesia to develop refineries in the world's largest sugarcane growing
areas.  The global economy was facing a downturn.  The Malaysian govt traveled the world to solicit investments.  How much was
Malaysia ’s foreign investment?  Kuok’s single investment in Indonesia was equivalent to US$10 billion!  Of course, when the news hit
the papers, he was criticized for being 'unpatriotic', preferring to take so much money to Indonesia instead of Malaysia .  Can you smell
the bullshit?

For the moment, Malaysia 's palm oil trade with China will remain on agreed terms (no increase).  Indonesia has more palm oil than
Malaysia – cheaper too.  Now that Kuok has invested so much money in Indonesia , its govt treats him like a god of wealth.  Certainly
open to negotiations on anything.  Moreover, Indonesia has been eyeing the opportunity to take over the palm oil supply contract from
Malaysia .

At least give the beggars (UMNO?) something – frozen durian

Buying frozen durian was the consolation China gave instead of buying more Malaysian palm oil.

Business needs more than cow sense.  Who ever supplies millions of ringgit in frozen durian to a brand-new market with small durian consumption?  How much time and effort is needed to market frozen durian from Malaysia ?  Thai durian does not sell well in China ,
let alone frozen durian from Malaysia .  If the market is proven non-receptive to frozen durian, how do we deal with return goods? 
A total loss with capital.  Is this how to do business?

Kuok is not just China 's top hotelier, king of cooking oil, and the world’s sugar emperor.  He is also the patent owner of the Coca-Cola
soft drink brand in the Chinese market.  He is also involved in a diverse range of businesses in China , and has created millions of jobs
there.  The Beijing central leadership has great respect for him as a savvy and powerful entrepreneur.  When the man speaks, the weight
of his words can be far-reaching.

And yet, Robert Kuok is one of the few outstanding Malaysians who has never accepted any of the high-faluting titles which are churned
out every year for 'distinguished' VIPs.  Many people address him as Tan Sri or Datuk Robert Kuok when in fact, he does not have such
titles and needs none.

 Below: The original version in Chinese
 大马糖王:那鸡吃了一粒糖,却输掉一间厂,吃了一间厂,却輸掉全世界。 最近那鸡政府得罪了郭鹤年,给大马经济带来的打击更加大到吓人!尤其中国温家宝总理来马官访以后,那鸡政府才真正体会到郭鹤年对中国的影响力有多大! 他们为了朋党的利益,硬硬吞掉了郭鹤年的玻璃市糖厂,表面上让朋党发财10几亿,但是却造成了全民损失超过200亿!知道内情的人,又忍不住要开骂PKHKC了! 大马糖王离开大马,变成世界糖王!他在澳洲买下世界最大的糖厂,有出资100亿美金,在耶加达发展世界最大的甘蔗种植计划和发展炼糖工业;世界糖王之名,郭老当仁不让。 反观大马,为了朋党的利益,却牺牲了全民的利益。。。。对于⋯⋯知情者而言,过去几十年来,郭老对大马政府的援手帮忙,真的是仁至义尽;没有想到政府反转猪肚就是屎,只有四个字可以形容那鸡政府:忘恩负义! 有一个《秘闻》,是关于最近中国总理温家宝访马,那鸡碰钉子的。 早在温家宝总理访马之前,那鸡和他的内阁就不止一次放话,说希望中国可以通过这次访马的时候,将购买大马棕油的数额提高一倍。 大家都知道中国是大马棕油最大消费国。经济急速崛起的中国是在近年来成为大马最大的棕油市场,不过我国目前也面对印尼的强力竞争,试图以更低价格出售棕油给中国和印度,分薄大马的市场。这正是那鸡最担心的。 那鸡希望温家宝总理能够签署一份新的棕油买卖合约,将平均每个月出口到中国的10多万公吨的数量提高一倍。可是温家宝一来到大马,就告诉那鸡,那是不可能的事。那鸡犹如被当头浇了一盘冷水。 那鸡知道中国市场需求量太大了,就算每月进口100万公吨的棕油,也不是问题。那么,问题在哪里? 问题就在:糖王郭鹤年不答应! 为什么糖王郭鹤年能够影响中国购买大马棕油的决定? 中国全国的食油市场是由谁垄断的呢?中国的食油市场老大,是《金龙鱼油》食油;占了全国食油市场将近40%!而金龙鱼油食油的大老板,正是郭鹤年! 想想,温家宝代表中国政府购买大马棕油,回国之后这些棕油交给谁去加工提炼成食油?当然就是民间企业啦!金龙鱼油食油公司不答应吃下这些货的活,你叫中国政府怎样消耗掉? 那鸡从一开始就傻呼呼的,根本不知道郭鹤年在中国竟然有这么大的影响力。他当初帮着朋党逼郭鹤年让出大马糖王宝座的时候,绝对没有想到这么快就得到报应! 郭鹤年被逼离开大马,心里当然非常不爽,要知道大马建国初期连航空业人才也没有,是联盟政府恳求郭鹤年的父亲帮忙设立马来亚航空公司的。 70年代大马海上航运业也真空,是大马政府亲自派代表去香港邀请郭鹤年帮忙,郭鹤年为了国家发展,将自己的集团业务暂时放下,回来大马协助政府设立国家海上航运业,这才有了后来的MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING COPERATION,简称MISC。 连老马也多次遇到经济商业难题的时候找过郭鹤年帮忙,甚至当年马华的陈群川遇到新泛电官司,无法缴交保释金,都是郭鹤年两肋插刀帮忙搞定的!这表示,大马历任政府,从联盟到国阵,都欠了郭鹤年不少人情。但是大马政府竟然打完斋不要和尚,过桥抽板,硬硬以〈不批准白糖起价〉,〈必须国有化〉等等借口把郭鹤年在大马的基业给吃掉!大家说,这是不是忘恩负义? 70年代邓小平东山再起,宣布中国走改革开放路线的时候,最需要海外华裔企业家鼎力相助;最早坐言起行走进中国帮邓伯伯开拓中国市场创造经济奇迹的大企业家,香港是霍英东和李嘉诚,大马企业家就是郭鹤年第一个响应邓小平,在北京建造中国第一家五星级大酒店:香格里拉大酒店! 凭着过去30多年和中国政府领导层建立的深厚关系,郭鹤年的影响力之大,绝对是那鸡无法想象的。这就是为什么在这个帖子最前面说:他们为了朋党的利益,硬硬吞掉了郭鹤年的玻璃市糖厂,表面上让朋党发财10几亿,但是却造成了全民损失超过200亿! 郭老的糖厂被僵尸肥婆的家族硬生生吃掉,想他老人家叱咤国际商场,几曾受过这么大的屈辱?更何况还是自己一心一意帮助了几十年的祖国政府?而那鸡根本没有想到,他得罪了糖王的后果竟是如此严重。 【吃了一間廠,輸掉全世界。】--名句精华。 糖王这边才离开大马,那边立刻宣布收购澳洲最大的白糖制造厂,制造白糖的某种原料,就是由这家企业供应给全世界糖厂的,当然,包括被僵尸肥婆家族吃掉的玻璃市糖厂。 接着在今年初,郭老再宣布投资100亿美金,在印尼开发世界最大甘蔗种植区,还有先进的炼糖厂。世界经济不景,大马政府周游列国招商,外资来马的总投资额一年才多少亿?郭鹤年单独一人给印尼的单一项目投资就高达100亿美金!各位,看到这里,你会不会很想对那鸡夫妇大骂一句:PKHKC!?(不明PKHKC,哈哈) 现在郭老态度摆到明,中国和大马政府以前签下来的购买棕油合约照跑,但是,想增加购买数量?免谈!印尼的棕油比马来西亚更多,价格更便宜,加上现在他在印尼投资这么多钱,印尼政府当然把他当财神,什么都好谈。更何况印尼一直虎视眈眈,希望能够从大马手中抢走中国的买卖棕油合约。 至于中国购买冷冻榴莲,根本就是在无法得到更多棕油购买的承诺之下,中国给大马的CONSOLATION,安慰奖而已啦!哈哈哈!中国人有吃榴莲的习惯吗?你要花多少时间和心思去推销大马冷冻榴莲?泰国榴莲在中国都未必卖得好,更何况是冷冻榴莲? 在商言商,谁敢一下子将价值数百万美金的冷冻榴莲推进一个完全陌生的市场吗?万一中国人的接受度不足,时间久了面对退货问题,怎么办?血本无归啊!做生意是这样的吗?别傻了! 今年初,当郭老宣布在印尼投资100亿美金的消息见报之后,我看到一些人批评郭老不爱国,宁愿将这么多资金拿去印尼,都不照顾大马人;我就一直为郭老叫屈!你们忘恩负义把人家的基业吞掉,让郭老含恨离开大马;现在看到郭老不鸟大马市场了,你们有资格批评他吗? 追根究底,人家宁愿在澳洲和印尼大量投资,都不看你一言,应该怪谁? 顺便跟大家报告一下:郭鹤年不但是中国的酒店大王,食油大王,世界糖王,他还是coca cola汽水品牌在中国市场的专利权拥有者。他在中国涉及的业务极多而且多元化。为中国制造许多就业机会的商机,是中国中央政府领导人非常敬重的一位企业家。他讲一句话,份量绝对不会比一些外国领导人低。 他也是直到目前为止,唯一一位从来不接受大马皇室授勋的大马大企业家。很多人写他的时候,理所当然地称他《丹斯里郭鹤年》,事实上他并没有这些勋衔,也不稀罕。他不是丹斯里,也不是拿督。 By: 忠政快讯

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