Flying Car

Terrafugia has completed flight testing of the Transition POC (Proof of Concept). Introducing the Transition®. Simply land at the airport, fold your wings up and drive home.

Fly a distance of 725 kilometers at speeds of 115 km/hour;
requires a special license to drive and fly
, and the vehicle of the type and one math section and what is best for families.
以 115km \h的速度可飛行 725公里
您的driver's 執照必須有特別飛行許可,且以家庭為最佳選擇。

The time required for the transition from plane to car takes less than 30 seconds
Vehicle speed 185 km/hour, range is 724 km on highways
Vehicle is fueled with gasoline, and the price of the car is expected to be around $200,000
The first shipment issued in 2011
車速以每小時 185km 在高速公路可跑約 724km 由汽油供給動力,
在2011年發表的價格約$200,000元 (美元)...

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