Smarter Than Albert Einstein and Bill Gates

The Essex blonde Towie fan who's officially smarter than Albert Einstein! Lauren, 16, scores a whopping 161 on IQ test
    Lauren Marbe, 16, wants to 'blow away' the negative view of Essex girls
    Planning to study A-Levels and hopefully applying to Cambridge
    But she loves watching trash TV, having blonde highlights and manicures
    Her dream is to become a West End Star like idol Denise Van Outen

Passion: The 16-year-old hopes that she can use her brain to build a successful future but admits she was pleasantly surprised to have such a high IQ

A self-styled 'ditzy' blonde TOWIE fan was today revealed as the one of the brainiest Essex girls around after it was discovered she has a higher IQ than Albert Einstein.

Lauren Marbe, 16, stunned her teachers by scoring 161 on the Mensa brain test after she was entered with other pupils from her school.

The teenager loves fake tanning, having blonde highlights, manicures and getting glammed up for TOWIE parties with her friend.

But it appears that as well as being very pretty, she also has a beautiful brain.

Bright spark: Lauren Marbe, 16, has an IQ of 161 which is smarter than Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, and Stephen Hawking - but still loves trash TV like TOWIE

This daughter of a black cab driver and dreams of one day being a performer in the West End - like Essex celebrity Denise Van Outen.

But her amazing brain test score means she is brighter than Professor Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and even Albert Einstein - who all have an IQ of 160.

Brainbox Lauren has been enrolled in prestigious high-IQ society Mensa, which means she is officially in the top one per cent of cleverest people in the world.

The schoolgirl, who is already predicted straight A's and A*'s for her GCSE's, and says she is delighted to have 'blown away' the Essex stereotype.

Talented: Lauren could end up going to Cambridge but the pretty teenager dreams of being a star on the West End stage having already worked with Andrew Lloyd Webber

Lauren, of Loughton, Essex, said: 'It was such an achievement and I got a bit tearful to tell you the truth.

'I was one of the last people to get my result and everybody before me had got around the 130 mark so that was the kind of result I was expecting.

'My teachers knew I was quite clever because of my grades but they had always thought I was blonde and a bit ditzy.

'Now they keep saying 'I didn't realise you were that clever'.'

The teenager, who loves to look 'reem,' or great, added: 'I am blonde, I do wear make-up and I do go out.

'I love my fake tan and fake nails as well so I guess I am a bit of an Essex girl in that sense.

'I watch TOWIE and I love the programme, it's addictive but now most people do seem to think that's what everyone in Essex is like.

'I love living in Essex and I'm glad that I might be able to show people that we aren't all ditzy and blonde.'

Lauren, is a pupil at Roding Valley High School, Loughton, Essex, took the Mensa-accredited IQ test earlier this month along with other high acheivers at her school.

The dedicated pupil - head girl of her primary school and currently a prefect - was already considered bright after scoring a double A* in her science GCSE, which she took a year early.

But she was stunned when she received her results, showing she has a higher IQ than some of the world's greatest minds.

She is now aiming to take A-Levels in art, physics and maths after her GCSEs, this summer, and would love to study architecture degree at the University of Cambridge.

But the prodigal teenager has already performed in the West End for two years as part of the chorus for Andrew Lloyd Webber smash-hit Joseph, with Lee Mead, from 2007.

Happy: Lauren admits that she is a typical Essex girl but hopes she can help change the reputation of young women from the county - who are often portrayed as dim

Her proud parents, father David Marbe, 45, a London cabbie, and mother Sue Marbe, 45, deputy head of a primary school, say they will be happy whichever path their gifted daughter chooses.

Sue, 45, said: 'Living in this area there is a lot of pressure to be the stereotypical Essex girl but she has a a real nice support from the other girls.

Teachers: 'They had always thought I was blonde and a bit ditzy', she said, but her IQ test has dispelled any myths about her intellect

'Most of the time Essex gets a bit of a negative press. People think all girls are blonde and all girls are dim.

'Lauren is blonde but it does seem like she has shaken the stereotype that all Essex girls are stupid.

'She does love TOWIE but she sees it as what it is. A lot of the young people in Essex think that it is one of the only ways to be successful.

'Lauren and her friends aren't as bad as some of the girls in the area but they do like to dress up and look good.

'Essex girls are all well groomed and Lauren isn't any different. Her and her friends like to go out and get dressed up in nice clothes.

'There's nothing wrong with the TOWIE cast and everyone in Essex loves the programme but its just nice for us all to get a good reputation for academic success for a change.'

'Obviously I am really proud. I am quite shy and I don't like boasting but I am really pleased that she has done so well.

'All her teachers have been coming up to her and saying they didn't realise how intelligent se actually was.

'I don't know who she got it from. Me and my husband should get tested as well.'

Einstein himself never took an IQ test as none of the modern intelligence tests existed during the course of his life.

But experts have believed for a number of years now that the iconic scientist had an IQ of around 160 - just short of Essex's brightest teen.

The Calculated IQ Estimates for 301 Historic Geniuses published by American Psychologist Catherine Cox Miles has calculated the IQ of Einstein and a number of other historic figures.

The IQ test is designed to test a range of abilities to determine the level of intelligence of the student - in the UK the average score is 100.

Enjoyment: Lauren says she likes to watch TOWIE and will sometimes dress like the women on the show

Lauren sat the Cattell III B test under supervision from British Mensa and achieved 161 - one point short of the maximum score you can get if you are under 18.

Adults take the same test as the one Lauren sat but because they have more developed brains British Mensa will only score them a maximum of 161.

This is because a different mathematical equation is used to convert an adult's score into an IQ rating, than is used to convert a child's.

A number of different IQ tests exist and British Mensa will accept applicants into the exclusive group if they provide evidence of their exceptional performances in other respective tests.

British Mensa Chief Executive John Stevenage said: 'Lauren Marbe achieved a score in the top two percent on a Mensa IQ test making her eligible to join Mensa.

'Lauren's school recently took advantage of Mensa's Schools Testing scheme allowing schools to offer IQ tests to pupils aged over 10 and a half within the school setting.'


Charles Dickens - 180
Dr. David Livingstone - 170
Charles Darwin -165
Stephen Hawking – 160
Quentin Tarantino – 160
Bill Gates - 160
Sharon Stone - 154
Bill Clinton - 145
Shakira - 140
JFK - 119
Andy Warhol - 86

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