A Hero from Pittsburgh

 Shoe Shiner At Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Donates $200,000 In Tips

PITTSBURGH -- A shoeshine man has given a Pittsburgh children's hospital a total of more than $200,000 in tips he's collected over the last 30 years.

Albert Lexie says he's been shining shoes for $5 at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh since the early 1980s. He says most customers tip him $1 and some give him an extra $2. He says a doctor gave him a $50 bill for Christmas.

The TV says Lexie gives all his tip money to the hospital's sick children.

Dr. Joseph Carcillo says Lexie has donated more than a third of his lifetime salary to the Children's Hospital Free Care Fund, which helps parents who can't afford to pay their sick children's medical costs.

Lexie has been shining shoes since the 1950s. He says, "It's good to be a hero."

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