Jessica Simpson's washed up? Perfect Vanity Fair cover girl

Vanity Fair put Jessica Simpson ("You Call This Fat?") on the cover of its June issue.

Why? Because she's washed up, that's why.

Which means there's hope for Lindsay Lohan yet.

She doesn't say anything even vaguely interesting or introspective or intelligent for the duration of the lengthy profile. But here's the funniest part of the piece written by Rich Cohen.

And yes, it's about her weight. Sorry.

"Jessica seemed nervous. Her hands trembled. She ordered a glass of Pinot Grigio. It seemed to calm her. She didn’t want to talk about her weight, so, of course, that’s all I could think of — it gilded each question in my mind: What are you working on now [that you’re fat]? Do you see yourself as part of a class, with Christina and Britney [or are you too fat]? Do you feel that your relationship with Tony Romo has affected his performance as a quarterback [because you are fat]?"

By the way, during the interview she had two glasses of Pinot Grigio, apparently her Drink of Choice.

Keep reading for her fascinating response to all those mean fat jokes.

“It comes with what I do,” Simpson said, “and I know that every day the media’s going to challenge me, is going to want to bring me down. But I feel like I’m at such a place that I own myself, and it’s authentic. I own that authentic part of myself, and none of those words are harsh enough to make me believe them.”

The authentic part of herself? What does that even mean?

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