The Man who divorced his wife for being 'too shy' to consummate their marriage... after a year!

After the couple dated for three months, they got married, but Lin refused to consummate the marriage. On the wedding night, Lin slept fully dressed and wrapped with a quilt. When Chen tried to sleep with her she pushed him away shouting: "You are ridiculous!", and returned to her mother's home the day next.
Through the matchmaker's mediation, Lin signed a contract agreeing to consummate the marriage but only for the purpose of procreation, and demanded to sleep separately. However, she did not live up to the pledge, cause Chen filed for divorce. Lin contested the divorce, claiming that she refused to consummate the marriage on the wedding night because she was too tired and was ill. But the judge said it was strange for Lin to refuse to consummate the marriage for one year, so he granted the divorce and ruled that Lin must compensate Chen NT$300,000 for buying an apartment, giving Lin's family a dowry and losing face because she did not consummate the marriage.
The Woman who requested divorce because her husband tried to sneak one look at her face after 30 years of marriage

One night the husband was overcome by curiosity and tried to lift his wife's veil as she slept to take a look at her face. It was an error he is unlikely to be given a chance to repeat for his outraged wife woke up during his sneak peek and decided to demand a divorce.
The betrayed wife said her husband apologized and promised never to do it again, but she insisted she wanted a divorce. It may seem odd, but cases of Saudi husbands with wives forever shrouded in mystery are not uncommon.
The Woman who got divorced after her parrot started repeating "Divorce" and "Be Patient"

She took her case -- along with the bird -- to a local law office for consultation, hoping it would testify in court against her husband; lawyers however told her they were not optimistic that the bird's testimony would sway the court. The wife filed for divorce but, for some bizarre reason, evidence from a bird was apparently not admissible in Chinese courts.
The 81-year-old husband who got caught with his mistress after 60 years

The Wife who divorced her man for cleaning too much

The Husband who dumped his lady over lie about her age

The Woman who demanded divorce because she just couldn't stand to have lunch with her mother-in-law

Elena T. from Focsani, in Vrancea county, said to a judge that the presence of her mother-in-law at the most important meal of the day with her teasing remarks had ruined her marriage. The court asked Mrs. Elena to reconsider her demand, advising her to find a better reason if she wants to separate from her husband.
The Woman who divorced her husband after 50 years for feeding stray dogs

The Wife who divorced her man for running to promote Beijing Olympics

The Man who faced divorce after his penis extension broke during sex

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