How Are You Making Today More Positive?

happyonbeach.jpgI love that question. It started with a friend of mine. We had recently been talking about the Law of Attraction and keeping our minds clear of unnecessary negativity so a more fluid flow of goodness could come out of us and enter us. Say what you will about the Law of Attraction, and especially "The Secret" (and I have said a lot--see my essay on the the Law of Attraction and "The Secret"), but I've found staying non-polyannically positive really does make my life better.

So one day I was definitely not in my happy place, grousing about something or the other to my friend, and she asked, "How are you making today more positive?" It stopped my cranky brain in its looping tracks of doom. Um, huh. Even considering the question started to shift me, re-orienting my whole perspective. And studies back this up--we actually re-wire our brain when we change how we think.

Me, today, I'm wildly behind in a scared, I'm drowning and I suck sort of way. So my positive thing is going to be ticking off three important things on my to-do list. But on Monday, I bought myself daisies.

I lob it to you, and will continue to do so: What are you doing to make today more positive?

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