Solving Your Pornography Addiction Problem With Miss Gina

Gina, Seville Zoo Chimp, Addicted To Porn, Scientist Pablo Herreros Says

Spain, Adult Films, Animals In The News, Chimpanzee, Gina Chimpanzee, Humans And Primates, Pablo Herreros, The Pornography Industry, Porn, Primate Behavior, Primates, Seville Zoo, X-Rated, Weird News

No family-friendly shows for this gal. A female chimpanzee at the Seville Zoo in Spain watched porn every chance she got, primatologist Pablo Herreros wrote over the weekend in El Mundo.

Gina the chimp was supplied with a remote control and several channels to watch on TV -- and within days focused on the adult action "as many of us would have done," Herreros said.

Herreros, who observed Gina a few years ago in a tour of Spain's zoos, said her behavior surprised him but proved that primates, like humans, "possess an intense sexual life."

If it's a case of monkey see, monkey do, Herreros didn't say

Of course, media outlets went ape over the story. A New York Daily News headline screamed, "That's One Horny Chimp!" while an Australian news site quipped, "Maybe Gina needs to get out more".

Scientists are seeing greater similarities between humans and chimps, The New York Times noted in 2007, so perhaps Gina's porn predilection shouldn't surprise us. But if she's ever stuck overnight in a hotel, somebody better lock the on-demand button.

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