EGG Warning!!!

To eat or not to eat egg, that is the question

For years, we grew up with the knowledge that eating egg yolks increased one's risk of heart attack and stroke.

But sometime in the 1990s, this idea was labeled as a "myth" by the Health Professionals Follow-up Study and the Nurse's Health Study. Both researches stated that consuming one egg per day had little or no impact on cardiovascular health. The world rejoiced and proceeded to have their omelets and sunny-side ups.

Today, the tables have turned 180-degrees.

Decreases blood flow to vital organs

Dr. J. David Spence of the Robarts Research Institute in London has data to show that lifelong consumption of egg yolks increased the development of blocked arteries in patients at risk of heart disease.

The results showed the formation of blood vessel plaques measuring 125 mm2 for patients consuming less than 2 eggs per week. The plaque size increased to 132 mm2 for subjects who ate 3 or more egg yolks per week.

The vascular plaques are responsible for decreasing the blood flow to vital organs like the heart and the brain. Continuous increase in diameter of these plaques will eventually lead to total blockage of blood flow causing a heart attack or a stroke.

Dr. Spence further points out that a single egg yolk contains 275 mg of cholesterol, which is more than the recommended daily allowance for cholesterol of 200 mg a day.


The Egg Nutrition Center in the U.S.  is not impressed by these results. Their executive director, Dr. Mitch Kanter says the study "is not well done" He says the subjects were all elderly and were naturally at higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Spence expected this criticism from the egg Industry and replies, " Every time a paper like this comes out … the egg marketers come out with their own statements. No wonder the public is confused."

This debate will go on and on with no end in sight.

The "egg magnates" have millions to lose if this latest data proves true while Dr. Spence has nothing to gain but the good health and well-being of his patients.

What else can be said but … "let the buyer beware."

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