
by John M. Grohol, Psy.D.

Clinical depression goes by many names -- depression, "the blues," biological depression, major depression. But it all refers to the same thing: feeling sad and depressed for weeks or months at a time (not just a passing blue mood), accompanied by feelings of hopelessness, lack of energy, and taking little or no pleasure in things that gave you joy in the past.

We've compiled a library of depression resources for you to explore. We encourage you to take your time with these resources, print out things you'd like to read more carefully, and bring anything you have additional questions about to your family doctor or a mental health professional.

Depression is readily treated nowdays with modern antidepressant medications and short-term, goal-oriented psychotherapies. Don't be put off by the amount of things written about depression -- because it's so common, a lot has been written about it! Read what you need, and leave the rest for another day.

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