How To Have A Bright Day Forever

To refresh once more. Good to Note.

            Always try to help a friend in need
            Believe in yourself
            Be brave...but it's ok to be afraid sometimes
            Study hard
            Give lots of kisses
            Laugh often
            Don't be overly concerned with your weight, it's just a number
            Always try to see the glass half full
            Meet new people, even if they look different to you
            Remain calm, even when it seems hopeless
            Take lots of naps..
            Be weird whenever you have the chance
            Love your friends, no matter who they are
            Don't waste food
            Take an occasional risk
            Try to have a little fun each day. it's important
            Work together as a team
            Share a joke with friends
            Fall in love with someone..
            ...and say 'I love you' often
            Express yourself creatively
            Be conscious of your appearance
            Always be up for surprises
            Love someone with all of your heart
            Share with friends
            Watch your step
            It will get better
            There is always someone who loves you more than you know
            Exercise to keep fit
            Live up to your name
            Seize the Moment
            Hold on to good friends; they are few and far between
            Indulge in the things you truly love
            Cherish every Sunday
            At the end of the day... PRAY
            ....... And close your eyes And smile at least once a day!

As soon as you receive this email, send it to at least 10 people to brighten their day, Including the person that sent it to you. :)

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