Tourist cheated thrice in one day at Sim Lim Square - Singapore

Tourist cheated thrice in one day at Sim Lim

The first time STOMPER Christian visited Singapore, the Indonesian was impressed by high standards of customer service and the quality of the goods he purchased during the trip.

Ten years later, Christian found himself writing to the citizen journalism portal STOMP about his terrible shopping experience at Sim Lim Square. The tourist was cheated thrice in one day while purchasing electronic goods at the tech mall.

According to the STOMP report, Christian said that his first purchase was a notebook computer. The first unit that the store gave him failed to work and that the box had been opened prior to his purchase.

When the store gave them a second unit, Christain claimed that the notebook had scratches on it, and that the box it came in was not sealed either. The computer's touchpad also did not work.

Instead of giving him a new unit, however, the storeowners told the Indonesian tourist to seek help at the manufacturer's service centre instead.

Later, Christian and his companions bought a USB mouse for $11, which did not seem to work. However, they were unable to receive any compensation for the broken item, and were told that the unit does not come with any warranty.

Christian's next purchase was a video camera, which he bought for $535. However, it was not long before he realized that what he got was not a good deal at all.

A search on the Internet revealed that the video camera retails at only $220.

What made it worse was that the camera seemed to be faulty as well. Christian said that all videos taken with the camera turned out with a "big red spot" in the centre of the footage, rendering it useless.

The frustrated tourist said of his unpleasant Sim Lim Square experience, "Cheated three times in a single day. As tourists we are really disappointed! If every tourist has this experience, then there will be no more tourists coming to Singapore."

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