New Email Scam

New email scam I just discovered, a warning for your protection:

They somehow know your real name (probably from email forwards or group email).

Using your look alike resemble your real name, the scammer will create a free new email account to disguise your friends (thinking that it was actually you that sent the email); plenty for this free email accounts; Gmail, Hotmail, Live, Yahoo and millions others.

He then will start sending Scams email to many of your friends (from his group list, forwards distribution) using his fake email account.

To prevent this; here are some precautionary steps you may want to exercise:

1. When forwarding (general email; ie; Youtube) email, always use BCC to limit / minimize your friends’ / colleague’s / biz contacts’ email address exposure.  Don’t forget to delete all email addresses listed, as this may end up in the wrong hands.

2. Should you receive one, use your email filtering capability to reject / delete the fake email / Spam / Scam.

3. To protect yourself; always check the sender, make sure is his original email address if you have any doubts.

4. Be always on the alerts … many good people out there, but the number of bad people are also increasing … still, I urge you not to become pessimist, there are still plenty of good people around you.

Best of Luck!

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