What You Give Thanks For

sun trees beautiful what you thanks for Readers share the blessings they've had this year.

'Tis the season to be thankful. And for over seven years, Beliefnet members have been sharing their thankfulness--for friends and family, good food and drink, warm shelter, pets, or just a really good day--in a long thread on our popular Prayer Circle feature.

We created a Gratitude Circle Small Group, and you've responded with many more touching tales of thankfulness. Click through the gallery to read some of our favorite gratitude stories, and then add your own. What are you thankful for this holiday season

For Flowers and Family

Thank you, Lord, for the beautiful flowers in my garden...just when I thought they wouldn't bloom, your handiwork proved me wrong. Thank you for sweetness of my children, who are always there with a hug if they think I need it, and for a husband who loves the same as when we first met, regardless of the fact that my body weight has gone up and my hair is going gray.

- selena0922

For My 'Problems'

Right now, in this moment, I am thankful for my "problems." I struggle with my weight, so that means that I have more food than I need. I struggle with clutter in my home, so that mean that I have a home. I have little arguments with my family sometimes, so that means that I have a family. I could go on. These days, I've been trying to remember to give thanks to God for the things that aggravate me. I believe that God is working in me, maybe like a coal miner or Roto-Rooter, by way of those prayers.

- Chicoryhill

For My Home

I am grateful for that I was chosen by our Heavenly Father to be one of his children and receive his love and love him.

I am grateful for his love and forgiveness.

I am grateful that my boys returned home whole and safe from the Middle East.

I am grateful for the loving husband and children he gave me.

I am grateful for the loving mother I was given--sad she is gone but grateful I have 40 years of memories of her.

I am grateful [God] directed me to this site for the love and encouragement I have found here.

I and grateful and thank the Lord daily that I have a job, a home--not a house but a home--food, clothes and a wonderful church with many who Love the Lord as I do.

- spikemom

For Alcoholics Anonymous

My wonderful wife of 15 months (I am 65 years old, she's 54) knows full well that she comes in second. My first item for which I am grateful is my four years (so far) of sobriety. My fellows in Alcoholics Anonymous will understand, and so might many of their spouses/partners.


For My Son's Drug Recovery

Thank you, Lord, for the medicine that keeps me out of pain, for the roof over my head, for enough food to eat, for Your help in helping my son's drug addiction, and for the grace to carry on in the face of tumultuous physical and monetary problems. Please help me to be grateful and to accept the challenges that I am experiencing in this stage of my life. I add my prayers for everyone else on this website, that You may find it in Your heart to help them, also. Amen

- edie826

For Being Looked After

We found out that Aaron's spinal bifida is in a part of his spine that is below where the spinal cord branches off and will not be debilitating for him. Jesse was ecstatic last night and we all were celebrating and thanking you. You always look after us here on our block and we thank you so much.

- dariaMcB

For Cancer Remission

Thank you, Lord, for my family and friends, for getting me to and from my check-up and for keeping the cancer away so I can raise my son. Thank you for the gifts you drop into my lap every day--may I accept them with the gratitude they deserve. So many, many times you have pulled me from the fire. Thank you for all those times, the daily/hourly gifts you give to me and the precious gift of my son. Amen.

- thepinkmoth

For God's Provisions

I thank the Lord for all he has done for me and my family. I have 5 children, ages 18-25, and when my husband left his family, God provided for us when things got tough. I have no mother or father or family member to help, and I can truly give God praise that he saw us through. My children are all doing well (jobs, educations). Also, my new husband of 14 years has been a blessing, and my children love him as "Dad." For all single/divorced parents, know that God is your help and source of strength, and that you are not alone.

- pepsi12

For Faith and Peace

I was far from God, and yet I knew deep within my soul that my heavenly Father was waiting patiently for me to come home. In the early morning I cried out to God and acknowledged my sin and the fact that I was far from him. In a moment, a verse from 1 John flashed into my mind: "If we confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

In my hopeless condition I reached out by faith and said, "I rest my all upon your promise, I confess my sin, please give me peace within and let me know that I am yours. Please heavenly Father take my life and change me in a way to please thee." It was at that moment that I was given peace within and the power to break the power of sin in my life. God by his grace has guided us into the paths of righteousness and given assurance that I belong to him.
-- perrin556

For Comfort in Sorrow

Thank you for providing comfort in this, our hour of sorrow. I lost my father last Monday and he is the last in a long line of beloveds that you have called Home. Welcome him and tell him and the rest of my family and friends that I will see them when you are ready. I love you and them with my entire being.

- joelhrobbins

For Forgiveness

Thank you, Lord, for your undying love and your forgiveness for all the stupid things I keep doing and saying. And for the many, many times you have picked me up from something that could have been disastrous. Thank you for taking my place on that awful day you had to die, and that you will be back for me someday.


For Enlightenment

I was at the lowest ebb of my life. I awoke one day to find new feelings that had overtaken my mind, body and soul. I accepted these feelings without remorse, even though they were foreign and felt not right to me. Today, well over a year after all of this "enlightenment and awakening," I am still in the same place in regard to the feelings. They are real feelings, wanted feelings, and accepted feelings. So I have moved on, living with these feelings, and being grateful for them as they are an integral part of my life which consists of true love.

-- irisheyes0111

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What You Give Thanks For

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