Guilt a.k.a. Dieter's Shame

Guilt is an emotional experience that occurs when a person believes that he or she has violated a moral standard.

Oh MY! ALL I did was have a little piece of cake!

Guilt a.k.a. Dieter’s Shame is the lack of ability to forgive oneself for an alleged wrongdoing.

You have done something (perhaps you ate the entire bag of chips before you even got to the check-out counter), thought something (you want chocolate more than anything and will do anything – even drive 50 miles if you have to – to get your hands on a bar, especially dark chocolate), or felt something (you feel sad and lonely now that Betty Crocker no longer lives with you) . . .that you believe to be ‘bad.’

These alleged crimes and misdemeanors have a mysterious hold on you (me, too, by the way). We are swimming in guilt (backstroke, anyone?), because we cannot forgive ourselves.

Are you ready to let go of the suffering?

Here’s some food for thought (calorie-free, fat-free, carb-free – no need to feel guilty-free) about guilt.

Guilt can overwhelm us and block the rest of our emotions. In other words, you can become so consumed with feeling guilty that you are unable to fully feel joyful or fully feel dreadful!

When you are feeling guilty, you may not be able to sort out your feelings, which can lead to impulsive decisions and behaviors.

Or!!!!! On the positive side of the coin, you could use your feelings of guilt as a motivator for change. You could become so uncomfortable with the discomfort it brings that you are willing to make positive or useful changes.

And that’s when Our Lady of Weight Loss comes into your picture.
Confess your dietary transgressions. Move on. You never again need to berate, beat up, dump on, dislike, criticize, be angry with, pass judgment on yourself ever again!

All Is Forgiven. Move On!

New Point of View: I no longer need to carry this guilt around with me. What a load off! I can send Our Lady of Weight Loss my guilty confessions and receive forgiveness from her, yes, but more importantly from myself. Woo Hoo!

Mantra: All Is Forgiven, Move On!

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