Top 5 Cleanse Tips

Having just realised that my last two posts have been ’round-ups’ of other peoples work I realised that I had better get some real, useful thoughts of my own up quick sharp! I hope that this post fits the bill!


Quick Cleanse Intro

A ‘cleanse’ as it is known in the alkaline diet circles is the process of cleansing your body of toxins, whilst simultaneously flooding it with an abundance of nutrients.

It differs from other typical detox programs in that it is not restrictive to a small amount of ingredients and that the focus is on supplying your body with a huge amount of nutrients, minerals, vitamins etc which gives it the tools to heal itself and flush your system. Many other detox programs restrict your food and drink intake in the hope that if you put very little in, your body will empty out its toxins.

Some good adjectives I have heard to describe a cleanse include:

  • a liquid feast
  • an internal shower
  • diet of abundance

Althought those adjectives are a bit, erm, well…a bit OTT - I think what I am trying to get at is that the most important thing to remember is that a cleanse is not a fast! It is the opposite of a fast!

Top Five Tips for a Successful Cleanse

  1. Plan, plan and then plan some more!

    If there is one thing that I have learned from doing cleanses, both successful and unsuccessful, is that without proper planning it simply will not happen. The first thing to plan is when you are going to cleanse. Make sure you have not got any social engagemenets as these always throw a spanner in the works. Tell people you are busy and broke for the next week!

    The next thing to plan, and this requires some careful consideration is what you plan to eat, every single day - then you can shop for those specifics. Not having ingredients and running out of meal ideas is the downfall of many-a-cleanse.

  2. Make more food than you think you will ever need!

    Hunger kills 8 out of 10 cleanse attempts. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of that fact, but it is very likely to be true. People often experience intense hunger when cleansing because they do not consume enough! They also often think that this is a detox symptom, when in reality it is just that they need a snack!

    Make lots and lots of soups, make double the amount of juice, make sure you can eat whenever you are hungry. Although you should plan your set meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper) so that you can plan which recipes you are going to prepare on which days - do not think of these meals in their traditional sense. Just eat when you are hungry!

    A large part of this is to make sure you have always got food available to eat.

  3. Vary your soups and juices!

    This is a big one too. It is really tempting to just stick to one or two different types of juice or soup, but variety here is so important. Not only will it keep your taste buds on the edge of their seats (meaning you won’t get bored of your food), but you will also get a good range of nutrients and minerals etc.

  4. Buy Capsule Versions of Supplements:

    Although this seems like a pain, it can actually be a cleanse-saver! Supplementation on a cleanse is absolutely vital, and having capsules as well as normal versions of supplements means that when you are out and about you can easily keep up with your supplementation. It also means that you can slightly up your intake of greens without having to drink another litre of water! The trick with this tip is as it is with all of them and that is - there will be a lot of obstacles and moments that will make you consider giving up your cleanse, by doing these things you are taking control of the factors that you can influence and maximising your chances of success!

  5. Set Goals, Get Clear and Reward Yourself:

    Doing a cleanse, as I have already mentioned, is bloody hard work. If you are not clear on why you are doing it, and what it will mean to you to complete it then you are facing an uphill battle. Before you start set yourself goals and write down all of the reasons why you MUST complete the cleanse. Get clarity - what benefits will you get from completing the cleanse? What will you lose out on, or what negative impact will it have on your life if you do not complete the cleanse? This simple, fifteen minute exercise will dramatically increase your chances of success. Also, do not forget to reward yourself along the way - after every meal and at the end of every day give yourself a great big pat on the back and bask in the glory of your success!

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