Fake Catholic nuns

Amy Welborn writes about Catholic nuns who want to be thought of as Catholic, but who seek to redefine the Church according to their own bizarre, wildly heterodox vision. She quotes from a 2007 keynote address one nun gave to the Leadership Conference of Women Religious:

The dynamic option for Religious Life, which I am calling, Sojourning, is much more difficult to discuss, since it involves moving beyond the Church, even beyond Jesus. A sojourning congregation is no longer ecclesiastical. It has grown beyond the bounds of institutional religion. Its search for the Holy may have begun rooted in Jesus as the Christ, but deep reflection, study and prayer have opened it up to the spirit of the Holy in all of creation. Religious titles, institutional limitations, ecclesiastical authorities no longer fit this congregation, which in most respects is Post-Christian.

The existence of this fifth column inside US Catholic religious communities for women is why the Vatican is sending over a team to investigate just what the heck has gone wrong with these people (who are dying out anyway -- hmm, think there's a connection?). As Amy tartly puts it:

If you're going to be Post-Christian, then be Post-Christian. I don't say that with snark. It's just reality. If you've moved on...move on step out from the protective mantle of identity that gives you cachet: that of "Catholic nun."
Truth in advertising, yes? Can we not agree that if you no longer profess what the Catholic Church professes, that you should leave the convent and go do something else? Worship your private parts or whatever you like, but just quit pretending that you are a faithful follower of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic Church. Thank God for the Nashville Dominicans, a sign of contradiction and of true life among the post-Christian insanity wrecking American Catholic women's religious orders.

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