How To Get Free Porsche - Once in a Lifetime!
Chinese fishermen catch a Porsche Cayenne
Chinese fishermen caught a Porsche Cayenne instead of fish while fishing off the coast of the great beach-city of Beihai in Guangxi Province. The fishermen sold the vehicle to a local garage for a mere 4000 yuan, or 640 USD. Chinese state media say it is “unknown” how the expensive Porsche ended up on the bottom of the sea. Well, we can’t say for sure either but we got an idea…
The area around Beihai is famous for smuggling expensive goods into China to avoid to extremely high import taxes. The goods, mostly cars but also many other luxury goods, come from Hong Kong, Macau or Vietnam, and are transported by sea to a silent stretch of Chinese coast. It is mostly very small-scale stuff, one tiny smuggling ship with a single car on its deck. The Chinese government sure knows about the smuggling so the coast guard is on alert. The smugglers of the Porsche Cayenne likely got scared of a patrol boat coming too close and dumped the vehicle in the sea.
Acid Attack Victim Turn into A Millionaire
Sonali Mukherjee, India Acid Attack Victim, Wins 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire'
Money doesn't solve all of life's problems, but for the victim of a horrific acid attack, the top prize on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" may help her find some peace of mind.
Sonali Mukherjee, 27, was permanently scarred nine years ago when three fellow students in the town of Dhanbad broke into her room as she slept and poured acid on her face, according to ABC News. The attack was meant as revenge for Mukherjee spurning the students' advances, and left her blind and partially deaf.
"I felt hopeless and helpless," Mukherjee told "I didn't want to live anymore. The conditions for my treatment were very difficult."
The horrific attack took not only a physical toll on Mukherjee, but a financial one on her family as well. To fund the 22 surgeries the young woman has already endured, Mukherjee's family sold its land and her mother's jewelry before running out of money to fund her treatment, the Daily Mail reports.
According to the South China Morning Post, Mukherjee appealed to the Indian government for funding to repair the damage, or for the right for doctors to kill her, as euthanasia remains illegal in India.
But as media attention and support surrounding Mukherjee's public appeals grew, producers of "Kaun Banega Crorepati," the Indian version of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire," invited the young woman to compete on the show. The show previously drew notoriety as the centerpiece of the 2008 film "Slumdog Millionaire."
Not only did Mukherjee appear on the show -- she answered 10 questions correctly and took home a prize of 2.5 million rupees, or $45,000, Agence France Presse reports.
"Once everything else had failed, I decided to use my face," Mukherjee told AFP. "If you can stare at a picture of a pretty woman then you can look at my burnt face too."
According to the Daily Mail, Sonali's appearance on the game show was part of a one-off event called Doosra Mauka, or Second Chance, that featured contestants who showed courage in the face of adversity.
Mukherjee will spend her winnings on further surgery, the Times of India reports, though her plans aren't merely cosmetic.
"I've had 22 operations and nine more are remaining, so that at least my eyes and ears are functional," Mukherjee told the newspaper. "If I recover, I want to help people like me."
"It's very easy for victims of acid attacks to swallow poison but I made the choice to stand up and scream and shout against the violence," Mukherjee told AFP.
Beware of HOTPOT !!! HOT Warning!!!
Man from Wuhan, China develops hole in stomach wall after eating 'Ma La' hotpot
A 26-year-old man from Wuhan, China had to be hospitalized after eating Ma La (meaning 'numbing hot') hotpot so spicy that he developed a hole in his stomach.
This confused doctors as it has been proven that eating lots of spicy food does not cause gastric ulcers nor did the man have any history of gastrointestinal disorders.
The man had ordered the spiciest batch of mala hot pot on the menu, the broth of which is made using a combination of chilli pepper and Sichuan pepper to cause a numbing sensation in the mouth.
He was rushed to the emergency room when he felt an acute pain in his stomach and vomited not long after finishing his meal.
This is not an uncommon scenario, however, as roughly 15% of gastrointestinal cases at the same hospital are said to have resulted from hot pot-related incidents.
According to media reports, many hot pot restaurants now use cheap synthetic seasonings and additives to substitute Sichuan pepper and other traditional, more expensive ingredients.
Commercial Space Flight
Kiruna braces for take-off in race into space
With flights into space scheduled to take off from far northern Sweden within a few years, AFP's Camille Bas-Wohlert finds out exactly what's on the cards for eager space tourists.
Sweden's small Arctic town of Kiruna has a surprisingly international airport with regular flights to London and Tokyo, but it has even bigger plans: to offer commercial space flights.
Spaceport Sweden, a company founded in 2007, hopes to be able to provide the first flights within a decade from Kiruna's airport.
"We're working on establishing commercial flights from Sweden to space for tourism and research, and to create a launching pad at the airport," explained the company's enthusiastic director, Karin Nilsdotter, seated in her office at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF).
The idea is that space tourists would take off for a maximum two-hour trip into space aboard futuristic spacecraft currently undergoing testing, which resemble a cross between an airplane and a space shuttle and which can carry between one and six passengers.
The sub-orbital flights will send passengers 100 kilometres above Earth and allow them to experience five minutes of weightlessness.
Kiruna's location in the far north of Sweden, and Europe, makes it a prime location for space flights, Nilsdotter said.
The space flights would not be disturbed by heavy air traffic, nor is the region a densely populated area. The wide-open spaces within Sweden's borders also mean no bureaucratic red-tape to be resolved with other countries.
Kiruna also has 60 years experience of space research to its credit. IRF was founded in 1957 and the Swedish space research and rocket centre Esrange, located in the town, was founded in 1966.
"We have to use this knowledge to create a unique adventure with global impact: space travel," Nilsdotter insisted.
"Even if it's too early to give any figures, market studies show there is potential for 14,000 travellers after 10 years of business," she added.
Spaceport Sweden is not building its own spacecraft, but will instead collaborate with a company that is doing so, she says, refusing to disclose how many spacecraft it will operate nor the identity of its partner.
In the United States, several companies are already developing aircraft capable of carrying space tourists, such as Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic.
"The technology isn't fully developed yet," Nilsdotter said, adding that the companies were currently carrying out test flights in the United States.
The first commercial space flights are expected to take place in the United States in 2014 and a few years after that in Sweden.
The head of the Esrange space research and rocket site, Lennart Poromaa, is meanwhile more measured in his enthusiasm for the project.
"In a few years there may be commercial space flights, but it will take longer than people think," he said.
Esrange pulled out of the project "because we're not about creating adventure", he explained.
But "we could help them if they need help in the field of research, possibly", the aerospace engineer said.
According to Nilsdotter, space flights could take off four times a day.
Esrange meanwhile launches four rockets a year.
"Researchers who want to test their experiments in microgravity may be able to fly with us and then adjust their projects," she said.
In the United States, more than 1,000 tickets for space flights have already been reserved, at around $200,000 apiece.
For adventure-seekers who can't wait to visit space, Spaceport Sweden already offers flights from Kiruna airport to view the northern lights, a spectacular phenomenon of colourful lights that streak across the night sky, for the tidy sum of 6,990 kronor ($1,059).
Barbie House in Canada
Ever wished you could live like Barbie? Artist turns derelict building into life-size dolls house with huge wall of glass
Canadian sculptor Heather Benning has created the life-size dollhouse of her dreams out a derelict building.
Miss Benning, 32, discovered the tumble-down home in 2005 when she took a job as an artist in residence for the community of Redvers, Saskatchewan.
While driving to the nearest city of Brandon, Manitoba, to get art supplies she spotted the crumbling former home and pulled over to get a closer look. To anyone else, the house was a decrepit wreck, but to Heather it held a world of possibilities.
She said: 'When I saw the house through the windows, I saw a life sized dollhouse. I thought to myself, that should be the main project I work on while I'm in the area.
'Once I returned home from the supply trip I made contact with the landowners of the property and found out the house had been abandoned since the late 1960s and was suffering from substantial water damage.
'I met with the owners of the land at their farm and promised them that if they donated the house to me, that I would complete the project and would not leave them with a mess to deal with.'
The owners agreed immediately to donate the house to Heather so that she could make her dream of producing a real-life dollhouse come to life.
Immediately, she began demolishing the interior plaster, knocking down whatever plasterwork was soft and cracking.
Miss Benning said that she was haunted by abandoned houses and she looks on them as 'skeletons of the past'
Having previously worked for a building restoration company, Heather had plenty of acquired skills to complete the work. She removed 70 per cent of the walls, plus all of the ceilings.
Heather said: 'The roof required major attention. The entire house was shingled in Cedar. Because it was aesthetically integral to the project that the exterior of the house remained abandoned in appearance, I chose to recycle the shingles from the north side of the house - the wall that would get removed - and use the recycled shingles to replace what was missing or rotten on the roof.
'Once the roof was repaired I placed 8' PVC pipe cut in half on the top ridge of the roof. This acted as a ridge cap, but once painted with brass paint represented a piano hinge like one would see on a real dollhouse.'
Heather then began work on the interior, replacing the plaster and painting the house according to the colours she found beneath the rotting layers of wallpaper.
She also began collecting furniture and items with which to fill the house, looking specifically for things that would give it a traditional dollhouse feel.
Heather said: 'Abandoned houses have always haunted me. Not that long ago, in Saskatchewan, there was a farm nearly every quarter mile.
'Now in the prairies one can drive miles before they see any life, but often the skeletons of the past remain standing and wind torn.
'I wanted the interior of the house to appear the way it was when it was left, but the exterior to show the passage of time.
'I chose to close the house in with plexi glass because I wanted it to be inaccessible, and tomb-like - inaccessible in that one cannot enter a real dollhouse because of the scale, and tomb-like because it encapsulates a time and a lifestyle that no longer exists, and will never exist again.
'I wanted to capture a life with no internet, flat screen televisions, air conditioning, etc. When the telephone was the main contact to the rest of the world.'
Heather, with help from friends, worked on the house on and off for 18 months and spent around $15,000 on materials before unveiling the work to the public.
The furnishings were mostly collected locally from garage sales, auctions, and thrift stores and some of the furniture was donated by community members.
'The Dollhouse' is currently being represented by The Telephonebooth Gallery in Toronto.
The Professional Nipple Tweaker
Christina Aguilera's Nipple Tweaker Goes on Strike
Protesting unfair working conditions, the man responsible for keeping Christina Aguilera's nipples in a permanent state of arousal has walked out.
Tyron Pecho, employed by Aguilera for the last two years, says his primary duties are being obfuscated by the singer's insistence that he perform superfluous tasks. He is often asked to work overtime without pay, run personal errands, and frequently placed in situations which could jeopardize his manicure.
"It's demeaning to wash her car, pick up dry cleaning, or run to the store for more jelly beans," Pecho complained. "I'm not just some bum off the street who doesn't clip his fingernails. I'm a licensed professional, dammit."
Pecho has the backing of the United Federation of Epidermal Technicians, which released a statement in support of a general work stoppage of long-standing complaints are not addressed. Representative of Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez were unavailable for comment, but insiders say a full scale tweaker strike is a real possibility.
"We can't be easily replaced," Pecho insisted.
The chilling effect this has had in the music business could spill over into the fashion industry, since both depend largely on looks rather than talent. The U.F.E.T. has also called for stronger regulation, warning that without sweeping reforms, music videos could soon be virtually indistinguishable from porn movies.
The DAMN Lucky Bastard!!!
Chinese Cat Girl
Six-year-old Li Xiaoyuan loved playing outside with other children.
But since developing a bizarre condition that causes soft black fur to grow on her body, the schoolgirl is too embarrassed to leave her home.
The growth is so severe that only child Xiaoyuan, known as Xi, has been shunned by other children, who call her "cat girl."
Doctors are puzzled by the growth and can find no cure - although they have suggested painful skin grafts might help.
"Nobody wants to play with her because they think they might 'catch' it," says Xi's mum Jiang, 31, a primary school teacher.
"Her friends won’t visit any more and children run away from her in the playground after some saw her back and rumours spread. She used to take her dolls out in a pram, but now she sits inside crying.
"She asks me: 'Mummy, why do I have fur like my teddy bears?' It's heart breaking."
Xi's condition began as a small patch of discoloured skin, but thick hair now covers her entire back and has started growing on her arms and face.
"We spotted black patches on her back when she was four and took her to the doctor," says Jiang. "They removed three hairy moles and thought this would solve it."
But within 18 months, Jiang and dad Yan, 33, noticed her back and arms were covered in more than 20 black spots and hair.
Jiang says: "We took her to hospital, but doctors were baffled." Within two weeks, half of Xi's body was covered in hair.
"We were terrified - hair was taking over our little girl," says Jiang. "Xi didn't want to wear her dresses any more, she wanted to wear clothes that covered her body.
"The hair is so thick Xi can't sweat so she gets hot," says Jiang. "But she won't wear summery clothes because the hair shows."
Xi would like to be a dancer when she grows up, but says: "I need the hair to go first, dancers aren't covered in fur. I can't even wear dresses because children laugh at me."
In desperation the family thought about shaving off the fur, but doctors warned them it might grow back thicker.
Experts in China's Guangdong province, where Xi lives, say it's the most extreme case they've ever seen. They believe she may have a rare genetic condition that sends moles out of control, causing them to sprout thick hair.
Although the moles are benign, there is the added worry they could mutate and become cancerous. Xi's best hope is painful skin-graft surgery from unaffected areas.
"I don't want to cause her more pain, but we want to give her a chance of a normal life," says Jiang. "An operation is the best solution."
But the treatment will cost at least £9,000 and Yan earns just £50 per month as an electrician, while Jiang earns £20.
Fortunately doctors have offered to give Xi the treatment and let them pay later - though they're worried how they'll manage.
"We'll do whatever it takes," says Yan.
Chinese farmer kept 100-year-old mother in Pigsty
A Chinese farmer has come under fire for keeping his 100-year-old mother in a pigsty, sparking a debate over how China cares for its elderly.
Chen Shoutian, from Guanyun county in Jiangsu province, has faced a barrage of online criticism since a local television station aired a report claiming his elderly mother had spent two years sharing a cramped, cinderblock shack with a voluptuous, 200kg sow.
Mr Chen told the local Jiangsu Television station that the mother of eight, who was born in the dying days of the Qing Dynasty, had been happy to share her bedroom with the animal.
"She wants to stay here because she feels it is convenient," he said.
China's eagle-eyed micro-blogging community was quick to weigh in on the case, lamenting the woman's plight and describing her as an example of a growing neglect of the country's elderly.
"Is this something a 'human-being' is capable of doing?" wrote one using the Twitter-like social networking site, Weibo. "Can't she at least enjoy a few good days after 100 years of hard work?"
But in an interview with local television, a visibly upset Mr Chen defended himself, claiming there had been no room for his mother in his 6-room house. "I definitely [would] have no problem living here," he said.
Other relatives were less impressed by the elderly woman's abode.
'[It's] too smelly, so smelly that it is impossible to even come inside," said Liu Zhanbing, her grandson. "I couldn't live with that." Gu Yuqing, the daughter, said she had tried to rescue her mother from the pigsty but had been unable to convince her to leave.
"There were countless flies and mosquitoes in the summer and my mother was living right here. It broke my heart," she complained.
"She's so old - and to live with pigs! How can we not feel sad?" China currently has around 185 million citizens over the age of 60 but that number is expected to shoot up to nearly 490 million by 2053, a recent study found. The country's one-child policy and measly pension system has put increasing pressure on only children to take care of their parents.
Camel Toe at Miss Universe 2012
An Angel Caught in Accident Photo
This photo was taken on the 17th August in Pinetown by a police officer with his cell phone. He took four photos but only this one came out. The young man lying on the ground died a week later, but as you can see the two shadowy figures watching over him appear to be Jesus and an angel.
The young man was a good person and a Christian apparently. Rob obtained this photo through Shaun Curran at RBM who runs a prayer group on Fridays for those at RBM who wish to participate. Quite amazing to think that Jesus and his angel were watching over him as he lay injured, it proves that HE is
always with us, even in the valley of the shadow of death.
Please pass it on to whoever you know who is a believer.
God Bless
The Only Legal Nude Beach in The States
Gunnison Beach located in Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States, is part of the Sandy Hook unit of the Gateway National Recreation Area.
Singapore Thanked Dr. Mahathir Mohamad for Water Industry
S'pore - thanks to Malaysia's Dr M, our water industry is now worth $ 9 BILLION!
Bet me, with the current corrupted government doing nothing to preserve water, one of this day Malaysia will buy treated water from Singapore when its river dry up.
Fresh water has always been a precious resource to Singapore . Being a tiny island with high urban population constrained by its land size, modern Singapore never have enough water of its own to support its population, but this is about to change....
In 1927, Singapore signed a water agreement with Johor to construct a pipeline transporting raw water from Johor to Singapore . During the Battle of Singapore in 1942, the pipeline was destroyed, which left Singapore with water reserves that could last at most two weeks. According to Lee Kuan Yew, this was one of his motives to envision water self-sufficiency for Singapore later when he became the city-state's Prime Minister.
Immediately after the British awarded self-governance in 1959, the Singaporean government under Lee signed 2 water agreements with Malaya in 1961 and 1962. Under these agreements, Singapore will build two water treatment plants in Singapore and a new, expanded pipeline from Johor at its expenses. Singapore will also supply treated water to Johor at far below the cost of treating the water, and in return, Malaya would also supply raw water to Singapore below market prices. The agreements would last till 2011 and 2061 respectively.
In 1965, when Singapore was expelled from the Malaysian Federation, it received the first water threat from then Malaysian Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, who said that "if Singapore ’s foreign policy is prejudicial to Malaysia ’s interests, we could always bring pressure to bear on them by threatening to turn off the water in Johor".
Mahathir tried to take advantage
In response, Singapore began to construct more water schemes on the island throughout the 1970s. This include the damming of river estuaries to allow for greater storage volumes, which resulted in larger artificial reservoirs that collect water from carefully managed catchment areas. These reservoirs would later be responsible for 20% of Singapore 's water needs in 2012.
But as Singapore began to rapidly industrialize, the amount became insufficient. Thus in 1982 the city-state was interested to build a dam on the Johor River in Malaysia and an associated new water treatment plant there, with the construction costs all paid by Singapore, in exchange, Malaysia was to allow Singapore to purchase more than the 250 million gallons of water per day as negotiated in the 1962 agreement.
Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad however, decided to make it difficult for Singapore . After six years of difficult negotiations, the 2 countries finally signed the agreement that allowed the construction of the dam. It was a heavy price for Singapore, who agreed to pay RM320 million as compensation for the permanent loss of use of the land and its associated revenue, a premium of RM18,000 per hectare of land, and an annual rent of RM30 for every 1,000 square foot of the land. The cost of building and maintaining the dam would be borne by Singapore , and upon the expiration of water deals, both the dam and the treatment plant are to be returned to Malaysia .
Mahathir believed that Singapore couldn't survive without Malaysia 's water
Emboldened by this victory, Mahathir mistakenly believed that he had caught Singapore 's main weakness. In 2000, attempts to re-negotiate with Malaysia to secure water supply beyond 2061 failed, and in 2003, Malaysia again warned Singapore that once the first treaty expired in 2011, the water prices would be raised by 200 times from 3 sen per 1,000 gallons to RM6.25. The government of Singapore decided that, instead of paying a higher price and continue its water dependence on Johor, it will go all-out to achieve water-sufficiency.
But Kuan Yew said NO!
The first thing Singapore did was to invest heavily in water technologies and gathered the world's most renowned water management scientists into the island. Academics, researchers, scientists and experts from across the globe were invited to Singapore to help it devise a water solution. Desalination and recycled water were identified. Utilizing advanced technologies, Singapore proceed to construct one of the world's largest desalination plant in 2005, now accounted for 10% of the country's water needs. Singapore 's second plant, even bigger, is scheduled to complete in 2013, providing another 10%.
Desalination removes salt and other minerals from sea, turning sea water into fresh water. There is almost no controversy on this. The issues come when dealing with recycled water. By that it means waste water, including those from toilets and drains, is to be purified back for use. The concerns lay on whether all harmful materials, pathogens or micro-organisms could be effectively removed.
Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize was established to award $300,000 for scientists of any nationalities who made breakthrough in water treatment technologies and brought them to Singapore . In 2003, Singapore started its first wastewater recycling plant. Under constant advices and supervision from scientists and researchers, by 2012, the country's 5 wastewater plants successfully marketed themselves and provide enough clean water to meet 30% of the island's needs.
‘Public acceptance is not guaranteed at the start. Recycled water has been rejected in Australia , where people term it ‘yuck’ water,’ said Dr Eduardo Araral, assistant dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. ‘Singaporeans accepted it both because they are pragmatic and because they trust the Government’s promise that it is safe to drink,’ he added.
In 2006, Singapore identified the commercial value of water and environmental technologies, especially to water-scarce Middle East, North Africa and various First World nations, and also countries who currently lack proper and effective water treatment system. The government invested an initial $330 million to promote the new industry and to make Singapore a potential global hub for water research and development. Since 2008, the city-state hosts the Singapore International Water Week, a key event for the global water industry, every year.
Water sufficiency to exceed 70%
Over the years, Singapore has turned what used to be a scarcity into its strength and now the water industry is seen as a new growth sector for the country. The government's commitment to industrial promotion, easy access to research funds, and readily available talents, help built up a new robust water industries in Singapore amid the European financial crisis.
Kow Juan Tiang, group director for Environment & Infrastructure Solutions at IE Singapore, said: “If you look at the water industries in Singapore , it encompasses companies from many countries. Our financial sector worked closely with those companies venturing overseas here for projects to secure technology, solution, and most importantly, money financing, at a competitive advantage compared to otherwise in (crisis-laden) Europe .”
Goh Chee Kiong, director of Cleantech Building & Infrastructure Solutions at Economic Development Board, said: “What is helping this sector is the fact that Singapore has a vibrant manufacturing industry comprising chemicals, pharmaceuticals, semiconductor, oil and gas, and they are becoming prove points and demonstration sites for water companies to utilize their technology in Singapore before scaling up to the rest of the world.”
The push to develop the industry has drawn attention from some of the world's largest companies like General Electric and Siemens, who invested and created local water companies such as Hyflux that have expanded overseas. "What they are looking to do is create a virtual market for the water business which is much larger than Singapore ," said Mr Glen Daigger, chief technology officer of CH2M Hill, an US-based industry consulting firm. " Singapore 's ambition to become a water technologies hub in Asia is now a step closer."
With technology as the key driver, the water industries in Singapore experienced strong growth. In just five years, Singapore was propelled from a water-challenged nation to an internationally-recognised name in the global water community - with its water industry blossomed to over 100 companies. The city-state successfully built up a vibrant water industry cluster, with operations which span the value chain, including R&D centres, equipment suppliers, system integrators and EPC firms, project developers and financing organizations.
In 2011, Singapore 's water sufficiency rose to 60%. At the same time the 1961 water agreement with Malaysia expired. Singapore informed Johor it would not be renewing the agreement. The next focus would be on total self-sufficiency before 2061, the date when the second agreement lapsed.
Singapore's water sufficiency to top 70% next year, on track for self-sufficient in 2061
Open Letter to Barack Hussein Obama from Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
Open Letter to Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America
By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad :
Former Prime Minister of Malaysia
Dear Mr. President,
I did not vote for you in the Presidential Election because I am Malaysian.
But I consider myself one of your constituents because what you do or say
will affect me and my country as well.
I welcome your promise for change. Certainly your country, the United States of
America needs a lot of changes.
That is because America and Americans have become the most hated people in the world.
Even Europeans dislike your arrogance. Yet you were once admired and
liked because you freed a lot of countries from conquest and subjugation.
It is the custom on New Year’s day for people to make resolutions.
You must have listed your good resolutions already. But may I politely
suggest that you also resolve to do the following in pursuit of Change.
1) Stop killing people. The United States is too fond of killing
people in order to achieve its objectives. You call it war, but today’s
wars are not about professional soldiers fighting and killing each other.
It is about killing people, ordinary innocent people by the hundreds of
thousands. Whole countries will be devastated.
War is primitive, the cavemen’s way of dealing with a problem.
Stop your arms build up and your planning for future wars.
2) Stop indiscriminate support of Israeli killers with your money and your weapons. The planes and the bombs killing the people of Gaza are from you.
3) Stop applying sanctions against countries which cannot do the same against you.
In Iraq your sanctions killed 500,000 children through depriving them of medicine and food. Others were born deformed.
What have you achieved with this cruelty? Nothing except the hatred of the victims and right-thinking people.
4) Stop your scientists and researchers from inventing new and more diabolical weapons to kill more people more efficiently.
5) Stop your arms manufacturers from producing them. Stop your sales of arms to the world. It is blood money that you earn. It is un-Christian.
6) Stop trying to democratize all the countries of the world. Democracy may work for the United States but it does not always work for other countries.
Don’t kill people because they are not democratic. Your crusade to democratize countries has killed more people than the authoritarian
Governments which you overthrew. And you have not succeeded anyway.
7) Stop the casinos which you call financial institutions. Stop hedge funds, derivatives and currency trading. Stop banks from lending non-existent money by the billions.
Regulate and supervise your banks. Jail the miscreants who made profits from abusing the system.
8) Sign the Kyoto Protocol and other international agreements.
9) Show respect for the United Nations.
I have many other resolutions for change which I think you should consider and undertake.
But I think you have enough on your plate for this 2012th year of the Christian Era.
If you can do only a few of what I suggest, you will be remembered by
the world as a great leader. Then the United States will again be
the most admired nation. Your embassies will be able to take down
the high fences and razor-wire coils that surround them.
May I wish you a Happy New Year and a great Presidency.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
(Former Prime Minister of Malaysia)
HEROES in Connecticut Shooting
She threw herself in front of the gunman to save her students: Astonishing story of the brave teacher who died protecting children from 'deeply disturbed' killer
Victoria Soto, 27, sacrificed herself to save her first grade students by throwing her body in front of gunman Adam Lanza
She was a highly regarded member of staff, popular with students and known for chewing gum in class
Principal Dawn Hochsprung and school psychologist Mary Sherlach were also killed execution-style after confronting Lanza
A fourth teacher has been named as Lauren Rousseau, 30
A young teacher displayed astonishing bravery and sacrificed her life saving as many children in her first grade class as she could after she came face-to-face with gunman Adam Lanza.
Victoria Soto, 27, had worked at Sandy Hook Elementary for five years. Her final moments were spent ushering her students into a closet when Lanza entered her classroom and she tried her best to shield the children from the evil gunman.
Soto was a highly regarded young teacher who was popular with her pupils. One young student, Jacob Riley, told Mailonline that Soto was known for chewing gum in class - something not usually allowed for teachers. He said he had often teased her about her habit and she had playfully teased him back.
'She took her kids, put them in the closet and by doing so she lost her life protecting those little ones,' Soto's cousin, Jim Wiltsie, told ABC News.
'She was found huddled over her children, her students, doing instinctively what she knew was the right thing. I'm just proud that Vicki had the instincts to protect her kids from harm,' he continued.
'It brings peace to know that Vicki was doing what she loved, protecting the children and in our eyes she's a hero,' he added.
A deeply distraught 10-year-old boy who is a former student of Miss Soto described her as 'really nice and funny.'
Four teachers were murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School trying to save their students from gunman Lanza, the son of a woman who worked at the school.
The other three teachers have been identified as principal Dawn Hochsprung, 47, school psychologist Mary Sherlach, 56, and Lauren Rousseau, 30. Devastated friends of Rousseau said she was having 'the best year of her life' after landing her first full-time teaching job only months ago.
Twenty-eight people died in the shooting rampage, including 20 young children between the ages of five and ten, alleged gunman Adam Lanza, who took his own life, and his mother, who was shot before the school massacre.
When Lanza started firing at the school in suburban Newtown, Connecticut, some teachers dove under tables - but Mrs Hochsprung and Mrs Sherlach didn't hesitate.
They ran into the hallway to confront the danger and were murdered execution-style as a result.
Little did she know that Adam had already killed his mother at the home they shared nearby. He took three of her guns and used her car to drive to the school.
Diane Day, a school therapist, told the Wall Street Journal that she and several other teachers were in a meeting with Mrs Hochsprung and Mrs Sherlach when the shooting began.
'We were there for about five minutes chatting and we heard, "pop pop pop,"' she said. 'I went under the table.'
The principal and the school psychologist had other ideas. They jumped out of their seats and ran toward the sound of the gunfire.
'They didn’t think twice about confronting or seeing what was going on,' Ms Day said.
Rabbi Shaul Praver told MSNBC that Mrs Hochsprung and Mrs Sherlach were killed execution-style.
Tributes for all educators poured in on Friday night. Former school superintendent John Reed told the Connecticut Post that Mrs Sherlach was warm and cared deeply for her students.
'If there ever was a person, by qualifications and personality, to work with children, to be a school psychologist, it was Mary,' he said.
She was married with two grown daughters in their 20s and enjoyed gardening, reading and the theater, according to her school biography.
Friends and neighbors said it was immediately clear to everyone she knew that she loved her students and her school.
'I don’t think you could find a more positive place to bring students to every day,' she had recently told a local newspaper.
Another tale of heroism came from an eight-year-old student who said a teacher pulled him from the hallway as bullets rang out.
'I saw some of the bullets going down the hall that I was right next to and then a teacher pulled me into her classroom,' the boy told CBS News.
'It sounded like someone was kicking a door,' he said of the piercing sound of the gunfire.
His relieved mother agreed, saying that the teacher saved her son's life.
Top 10 most powerful four-doors under $30,000
We all want to get the most bang for our buck, and for enthusiasts that means the most horsepower within our budget. While muscle cars – in V-8 and V-6 form – seem to fit the bill for cheap power, sometimes reality requires us to have four doors and decent cargo room. With the median new car cost hovering around the $30,000 mark, we put this list together of four-door cars with the most horsepower with a base price below $30,000. One segment dominated the list, which may surprise you.
Subaru WRX
Price: $26,565
Output: 265 hp/244 lb-ft
0-60: 4.5
EPA city/highway: 19/25
The Subaru WRX is the only sport compact to make the cut, coming in tenth place and barely beating out the Mazdaspeed3 by just two horsepower (though the ‘speed3 makes 36 lb-ft more torque). As the only car on this list with all-wheel-drive as standard, the WRX offers Subaru’s surefootedness and wet weather stability. In our last turbocharged sport compact comparison, the turbocharged 2.5-liter flat-four propelled the 2010 WRX to 60 mph in just 4.5 seconds, walking away from the other three competitors – including the Mazdaspeed3 – to take the first-place trophy in acceleration tests. The WRX is the only car to offer a choice of bodystyles on our list, with the sedan and hatchback having the same base price.
Toyota Camry SE V6
Price: $29,515
Output: 268 hp/248 lb-ft
0-60: 5.8
EPA city/highway: 21/30
The Toyota Camry is the top-selling midsize sedan in the U.S., with 373,479 sold thus far in 2012, pulling ahead of the number-two Honda Accord by more than 70,000 units. Buyers seeking more power from their family car can opt for the sportier SE trim level with a potent 268-hp 3.5-liter V-6, which lands the midsizer in ninth place on the list. In our comparison, the 2012 Camry SE V6 hit 60 mph in 5.8 seconds, just a tenth of a second shy of the first-place 280-hp Volkswagen Passat VR6 SEL, but more than a full second ahead of the more powerful Hyundai Sonata SE 2.0T, making the popular model a solid – and quick – choice for those faithful to the Toyota brand.
Nissan Altima 3.5 S
Price: $25,700
Output: 270 hp/251 lb-ft
0-60: 5.9
EPA city/highway: 22/31
The thoroughly redesigned 2013 Nissan Altima offers a potent 270 hp and 251 lb-ft of torque from its 3.5-liter V-6, good enough to secure it the number-eight spot. Power is sent to the front wheels via a CVT. During our 2013 Car of the Year testing, we said the Altima drove just like the car it’s supposed to be: a midsize sedan. About the six-cylinder model, we concluded, “…though the 270-hp V-6 model remains the enthusiast’s choice for those forced to consider a basic midsize sedan, it’s no sport sedan.”
Kia Optima SX
Price: $27,575
Output: 274 hp/269 lb-ft
0-60: 7.2
EPA city/highway: 22/34
While the Kia Optima SX uses the same drivetrain as its Hyundai Sonata SE platform-mate, we gave it a seventh-place finish due to a base price nearly $2000 higher and an acceleration time that’s off a couple of ticks. We enjoyed our long-term Optima SX, acknowledging the automaker’s efforts to bring the brand up to the same level as its competition. In our 2011 Kia Optima SX verdict, we concluded by saying, “It’s a complete package, offering styling, performance, ease of use, and spacious interior with quality materials and build quality.”
Hyundai Sonata SE 2.0T
Price: $25,675
Output: 274 hp/269 lb-ft
0-60: 7.2
EPA city/highway: 22/34
The Hyundai Sonata SE 2.0T comes in just ahead of the Kia Optima SX, with which it shares its drivetrain and chassis, for a sixth-place finish because thanks to its price advantage and slight acceleration edge. In a midsize comparison test against the segment sales leader Toyota Camry SE V6 and our 2012 Car of the Year winner Volkswagen Passat VR6 SEL, the Sonata turbo finished in third place due to its lackluster performance and observed fuel mileage. The Sonata turbo was more than one second slower to 60 mph than either competitor.
Volkswagen Passat SE V6
Price: $29,235
Output: 280 hp/255 lb-ft
0-60: 5.7
EPA city/highway: 20/28
The 2012 Volkswagen Passat earned the 2012 Motor Trend Car of the Year award for good reason: the midsize sedan excelled in each of our six criteria. With the 280-hp narrow-angle 3.6-liter V-6 and DSG dual-clutch transmission, the Passat not only garners a fifth-place ranking, but it proves to be a solid performer in acceleration, handling, and braking. Back that up with a spacious interior and an entry-level price below $30-large, and the Passat makes a good argument for the horsepower-craving family.
Chrysler 200 Limited
Price: $25,680
Output: 283-hp/260 lb-ft
0-60: 6.0
EPA city/highway: 19/29
Chrysler updated the midsize 200 sedan for 2012 with the new 283-hp 3.6-liter Pentastar V-6, which ties with its Dodge Avenger platform mate for power. The 200 places fourth because of its nearly-$3000 price premium over its more mainstream sibling. Though we are impressed with the automaker’s new Pentastar V-6, in our 2012 Car of the Year testing, we felt the new engine was too much for the revamped, but outdated, chassis to handle.
Dodge Avenger SE V6
Price: $22,690
Output: 283-hp/260 lb-ft
0-60: 6.1
EPA city/highway: 19/29
While the Dodge Avenger ties the Chrysler 200 on the list, it earned the third-place spot because of its lower entry-level price. Not only is it tied for third place, but the Avenger is also the cheapest car on the list. Like the 200, the Pentastar V-6 is too much for the sedan, which suffered from torque steer as well as a “confused transmission” during our performance driving evaluation. If power is what you are after, the two Mopar midsizers are just nine horsepower shy of the most powerful car on the list.
Ford Taurus SE FWD V6
Price: $27,395
Output: 288-hp/254 lb-ft
0-60: 6.6
EPA city/highway: 19/29
The Ford Taurus SE is the first of two full-size sedans on the list, with just four horsepower separating the two top finishers. With 288 hp and 243 lb-ft of torque from its 3.5-liter V-6, the front-drive Taurus accelerates to 60 mph in just 6.6 seconds. A six-speed automatic is the sole transmission offering. While the Taurus is available with all-wheel drive, the option bumps the price above our $30,000 cutoff. With the Taurus being large on the outside and comparatively small on the inside, some Blue Oval-faithful may find the midsize Fusion a better value.
Dodge Charger SE
Price: $26,990
Output: 292-hp/260 lb-ft
0-60: 6.6
EPA city/highway: 19/31
It’s fitting that the only rear-drive option on the list is also the most powerful. The Dodge Charger SE is motivated by the same Pentastar V-6 as the Chrysler 200 and Dodge Avenger twins, but makes a full 292 hp mated to an eight-speed automatic that sends power to the proper drive wheels. As the other full-size sedan on the list, the Charger offers interior space befitting its segment thanks to its 120-inch wheelbase.
The Twenty-Five Words Every Toddler Needs to Know
25 key vocab building blocksA two-year-old's limited vocabulary may red flag hearing problems, autism, or dyslexia. Researchers from the Child Study Institute at Bryn Mawr College have identified a list of 25 words every toddler should be using by age two.
Dr. Leslie Rescorla, the director of the institute, presented her findings at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
The Daily News reports that Professor Nan Bernstein Ratner, who moderated the panel, described these words as the "canary in the coal mine."
The average toddler uses 75-225 words and is able to combine them into phrases.
Twenty-five is considered the minimum for late talkers. In a previous study, Rescorla demonstrated that children with normal delayed speech tend to catch up by four or five. She adds that when helping late talkers build their language skills, it's a good idea to focus on basic vocabulary.
The 25 common words that should form the building blocks of a toddler's vocabulary:
-all gone
-bye bye
-thank you
Rescorla says parents shouldn't panic if their toddler is using fewer words than average, but they should consider having them evaluated by an expert. Early intervention offers the best outcome.
Five Goals in A Game
Messi is not the only star to score five times in one game - here are 10 others to hit a quintet of goals
Lionel Messi set a new record for the most goals in a single Champions League match when he netted five times in Barcelona’s emphatic 7-1 win over Bayer Leverkusen at Camp Nou.
The Argentine maestro continues to shatter records on his way to becoming the greatest player of all time. With the dynamic dynamo's impressive goal haul still fresh in our minds, takes a look at some other players who can lay claim to scoring five goals in a single encounter.
Football luminaries with colourful nicknames such as 'SuperMac' and 'Der Bomber' take centre stage as we examine some of the most historic and significant five-goal heroes.
Andy Cole: MANCHESTER UNITED vs Ipswich Town - 1995
Andy Cole was a prolific striker in his day and forged a fearsome partnership with Dwight Yorke up front for the Red Devils. The former England international enjoyed a memorable six-year stint with Sir Alex Ferguson's side during which he became the first player in Premier League history to score five goals in a single game.
Cole achieved the impressive feat against Ipswich Town on March 5, 1995. He brought the Old Trafford faithful to their feet early and often as shell-shocked Canadian keeper Craig Forrest was forced to pick the ball out of his net nine times. Cole went on to win five Premier League titles and one Champions League crown before joining Blackburn in 2001.
Daniel Fonseca: Valencia vs NAPOLI - 1992
Daniel Fonseca spent a big chunk of his career in Italy and was a hit in Naples during his two seasons at the Stadio San Paolo. The highlight of his short spell came in the Uefa Cup clash against Guus Hiddink's Valencia on September 16, 1992 when he scored all of Napoli's goals in the 5-1 win at Mestalla. The result still stands as the Partenopei's biggest away victory in Europe.
The Uruguayan was then lured to the capital city by Roma before finishing his Italian adventure in Turin where he won two Serie A titles with Juventus.
Jurgen Klinsmann: Fortuna Dusseldorf vs STUTTGART - 1986
Jurgen Klinsmann enjoyed a glittering career for both club and country and announced his presence on the German scene as a 21-year-old with a five-goal outburst in the 7-0 dismantling of Fortuna Dusseldorf on March 15, 1986.
He scored five times during a 42-minute span in the lopsided victory and received his maiden call-up to the Germany national team a year later. Klinsmann went on to shine for European powerhouses Inter and Bayern Munich and is currently the coach of the US national team.
Soren Lerby: AJAX vs Omonia - 1979
Soren Lerby was the last player to score five goals in Europe's top club competition before Messi did the trick against Bayer Leverkusen on Wednesday. The Dane's five-strike salvo came in the European Cup against Omonia Nicosia on October 29, 1979.
Lerby's scintillating display in Ajax's 10-0 win is made all the more remarkable considering that he was a hard-working midfielder and not a predatory striker. The Denmark international finally got his hands on the European Cup when he won the competition with PSV in 1988.
Roberto Pruzzo: ROMA vs Avellino - 1986
Roberto Pruzzo still holds legendary status in the Italian capital after 'Il Bomber' won the Capocannoniere on three different occasions with the Giallorossi. The Italian has been passed by Francesco Totti as the club's top scorer but still holds the record for most goals in a single Serie A encounter.
Pruzzo found the back of the net five times to hand Sven-Goran Eriksson's side a 5-1 triumph over Avellino on February 16, 1986.
Malcolm Macdonald: ENGLAND vs Cyprus - 1975
Malcolm Macdonald wrote his name into the history books by scoring all five goals in England's 5-0 win over Cyprus on April 16, 1975. He could have ended up with even more goals if not for an offside decision and an effort that struck the post late on.
Affectionately called 'SuperMac' because of his goalscoring prowess, the forward enjoyed a stellar career for Luton Town, Newcastle and Arsenal. Macdonald made a total of 14 appearances for the Three Lions but could never come close to reliving that magical night at Wembley.
Gerd Muller: BAYERN MUNICH vs TeBe Berlin - 1976
Gerd Muller was one of the most prolific strikers to ever grace a football pitch and it should not be surprising that he netted five times in the 9-0 win against Tebe Berlin on September 10, 1976, but what is quite astonishing is that he repeated the feat on three other occasions.
'Der Bomber' was the German top scorer seven times during his storied career and won the European Player of the Year in 1970. It's not hard to see why he was given his nickname.
Oleg Salenko: RUSSIA vs Cameroon - 1994
Oleg Salenko is best remembered for his five-goal explosion in the 1994 World Cup group stage match against Cameroon. The Russians comfortably ran out 6-1 winners but failed to progress to the knockout round after losing to Sweden and Brazil.
Salenko also scored against the Swedes to take his overall tally to six, which was good enough to be the joint-top scorer in the tournament. He still holds the record for most goals in a single World Cup encounter.
Alan Shearer: NEWCASTLE vs Sheffield Wednesday - 1999
Alan Shearer is the all-time leading scorer in the Premier League with 260 goals so it comes as little surprise that he burst out five against lowly Sheffield Wednesday on September 19, 1999. The Englishman was uncompromising in the final third on that fateful day and his goal tally was aided by two penalties.
Shearer finished with 148 league goals for the Magpies and went on to manage the club after he retired in 2006.
Archie Thompson: MELBOURNE VICTORY vs Adelaide Utd - 2007
Archie Thompson picked an opportune time to have one of the best games of his career. The Australia international scored five times in Melbourne Victory's 6-0 triumph over Adelaide United in the A-League Grand Final on February 18, 2007.
Thompson is no stranger to putting up impressive single-game statistics as he also scored 13 goals in Australia's 31-0 win over American Samoa in a World Cup qualifier back in April 2001.
Honourable Mentions
Unfortunately we had to leave a handful of superb performances off the list but would like to recognise Ian Rush's quintuple against Luton Town on October 29, 1983. Legendary Galatasaray striker Tanju Colak also deserves a mention for celebrating a five-goal haul on two different occasions.
Jose Altafini scored five times in AC Milan's 8-0 win over Union Luxembourg on September 12, 1962 while Fabrizio Ravanelli matched that feat in Juve's 5-1 win over CSKA Sofia in 1996.
Atli Edvaldsson became the first non-German player to score five goals in the Bundesliga back in 1983 and Manchester United's Dimitar Berbatov was the first foreign striker in the Premier League to hit five, against Blackburn last season.
Don't Bother Earning These Five Degrees
If you want to earn a college degree that will impress employers, you might want to avoid these five majors...
Do you want to go back to school to earn a degree that could help you impress employers?
If your goals include job offers upon graduation, you'll want to choose your major carefully, says Vicki Lynn, senior vice president of Universum, a global talent recruiting company that works with many Fortune 500 companies.
To help navigate the numerous options available today, we took a closer look at five degrees you may want to avoid, and five more employer-friendly options to consider instead.
Unwanted Degree #1 - Architecture
Earning a bachelor's in architecture might impress a lot of people, but according to a 2012 study by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, "Hard Times, College Majors, Unemployment and Earnings: Not All College Degrees Are Created Equal," it might not impress a lot of employers.
And that can be tough to take, says Lynn, since architecture is such an industry-specific major. "If there's not a job offer waiting when you graduate, then it can be very frustrating because it can be very hard to maneuver into another career path with this degree due to its narrow focus," says Lynn.
Perhaps that's the reason the "Hard Times" study found a 13.9 percent unemployment rate among recent architecture grads. The study's co-author, Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale, says this is due to the national collapse in the housing industry.
Degree to Earn Instead: Business Administration
If you like the idea of pursuing the building industry, but want to keep your career options at a maximum, then a bachelor's degree in business administration could be a more employer-friendly choice. Recent general business grads had a respectable 7 percent unemployment rate, according to the "Hard Times" report.
So, why are employers after this degree? Because of its versatility. "Just about every client I talk to hires business majors," says Lynn. "They have so many opportunities. Pick an industry, any industry - pharmaceutical industry, banking, technology, energy industry, health care industry - they all hire business majors."
If you were to choose business administration and management as a major, you'd likely get a solid foundation for directing and controlling an organization's activities, says the College Board, a nonprofit research organization that promotes higher education.
Unwanted Degree #2 - Philosophy or Religious Studies
Searching for the meaning of life as a philosophy or religious studies major is a noble endeavor, but unfortunately, it's not super exciting to employers.
"In my opinion, these degrees are not at all marketable," says Lynn. "I don't even know what people do with these degrees to be honest. Unless they're willing to go all the way to a PhD in philosophy, for instance, their career paths are zero."
And while she does respect these studies, she advises students to at least minor in something such as business or economics.
As for the verdict from the "Hard Times" report? Not too inspiring. Philosophy and religious studies recent grads had a 10.8 percent unemployment rate.
Degree to Earn Instead: Elementary Education
Nothing says "the meaning of life" like the next generation. Yes, kids. So a bachelor's degree in elementary education could satisfy that hunger to find a deeper meaning in your studies. Recent grads in this field also had an impressively low 4.8 percent unemployment rate, according to the "Hard Times" study.
"We'll always need good teachers," says Lynn. "With the aging population, teachers are going to retire and we'll have to build the pipeline of new teachers." And who better than education grads to help fill in the need?
As an education major, the College Board says you'll learn how people learn and how to teach them. They say you're likely to take courses such as education in a multicultural society, education of the exceptional child, philosophy of education, and teaching methods.
Unwanted Degree #3 - Anthropology or Archeology
Interesting? Yes. Important? Definitely. Marketable? Not so much...
Lynn says a bachelor's degree in either anthropology or archeology is "totally limiting. Except for on a faculty or doing tours to the Parthenon, I don't know what you would actually do with this [degree]. Maybe there's some career in excavating or some other specialty, but I would assume the demand for these degrees is really small and shrinking."
Again, numbers from the "Hard Times" report seem to back that, with recent grads in these areas logging a 10.5 percent unemployment rate.
Degree to Earn Instead: Criminal Justice
If you still have that yearning to "dig" for the truth and like the idea investigating facts, a bachelor's degree in criminal justice is a more employer-friendly way to satisfy your curiosity.
It might satisfy employers a little more, too, at least according to the "Hard Times" study. It found that recent criminal justice grads had a 7.6 percent unemployment rate.
As a criminal justice major, the College Board says you'll study everything from how terrorism affects society to the role of drug rehabilitation to every aspect of the law.
Unwanted Degree #4 - Area Ethnic or Civilization Studies
Quick, what exactly does a bachelor's degree in area ethnic or civilization studies help you pursue? Not sure? Chances are neither are most employers, says Lynn, and that could be a problem for landing a job.
"Some degrees have really bizarre names, and if you have one of those and you have to try to explain it to the recruiter or an employer, it's not helping you, so I would avoid them. These two fall into that category," she says.
Unfortunately, the data from the "Hard Times" report backed Lynn up, noting that recent grads in this field yielded a 10.1 percent unemployment rate.
Degree to Earn Instead: Psychology
If you're interested in studying people and the way they think, a good fit might be a bachelor's degree in psychology - a field in which recent grads had just a 7.6 percent unemployment rate, according to the "Hard Times" study.
"A lot of these graduates find jobs in health care institutions, senior citizen centers, or nursing homes," says Carnevale. He says that the aging baby boomer generation is driving growth in the health care industry, which is opening up opportunities for majors not usually associated with the industry, like psychology.
As a psychology major, the College Board says you might study such topics as the relationship between the body and mind, the roots of violence, and the way humans act and think.
Unwanted Degrees #5 - Information Systems
At first glance, a bachelor's degree in information systems might seem like a great fit for the "Information Age." And in truth, it might be. But it's also true, says Lynn, that this degree suffers from being related to - but not the same as - more sought-after degrees such as computer science.
"It's sort of the step child of technology degrees," says Lynn. "At least from my experience, it's kind of a mixture of the sciences, business, and maybe some humanities pulling together. So it suffers from 'What is it and what does it train you to do?'"
And looking at numbers from the "Hard Times" report, she may be onto something. This degree scored an 11.7 percent unemployment rate among recent grads.
Degree to Earn Instead: Computer Science
If you're into computers and how they can be used to help people, a bachelor's in computer science might be a better choice, especially if you want to be marketable to employers upon graduation, says Lynn.
"Computer science majors are getting all the attention," says Lynn. "So I think it is more clearly understood and offers more opportunities."
Again, the "Hard Times" report corroborates that, with recent computer science grads having just a 7.8 percent unemployment rate.
As for what the major involves, according to the College Board, computer science students would learn how to design computer programs as well as different programming languages
Top 10 Airlines for Beautiful Air Hostesses
El Al Airlines from Israeli was named as having the most beautiful air hostesses in the world, according to this year's "World's 10 Most Beautiful Air Hostess Airline Company" list published by the World Air Stewardess Association earlier this month.
Shenzhen Airlines and Sichuan Airlines from the Chinese mainland received the third and 10th places respectively, and China Airlines from Taiwan seized the sixth spot.
In this year's rankings, Asian airline companies became the biggest winner with eight airlines included in the top 10. No airline from North America received a place.
10. Sichuan Airlines, China
9. SriLankan Airlines, Sri Lanka
8. Air France, Prancis atau KLM, Belanda
7. Air India, India
6. China Airlines, Taiwan, China
5. Asiana Airlines, Korea Selatan
4. Qatar Airways, Qatar
3. Shenzhen Airlines, China
2. Aerolineas Argentinas, Argentina
1. El Al Airlines, Israel
Write with BOTH hands at the SAME TIME in different languages
Ink-redible! Chinese woman who can write with BOTH hands at the SAME TIME in different languages
Chen Siyuan can write in Chinese with one hand and English with the other
Discovered her talent by chance while struggling with lots of homework
In this age of computers and smartphones, some of us are finding it harder and harder to write properly with one hand, let alone two.
But that is no such problem for Chinese translator Chen Siyuan.
She has been amazing onlookers with her ability not only to write with both hands at the same time, but do it in different languages - Chinese with one and English with the other.
And for good measure the 24-year-old can also perform the trick with each hand writing in different directions.
Chen, whose name means 'think further', didn't develop her skill through hours of practise.
Instead she discovered it by chance while trying to save time on large amounts of English homework at her high school in northern China.
She told People's Daily Online: 'When I was in high school, I unconsciously wrote with both hands while trying to finish my homework in a hurry.
'My classmates were curious and tried to imitate me, but none of them succeeded.'
Chen, who later obtained a college degree in English, now uses her talent to write poetry, two sentences at a time, of course.
Gangnam Style At Udinese Vs Genoa
One solitary Udinese fan showed up in Genoa for his team’s match against Sampdoria
Udinese traveled to Genoa for its Serie A match against Sampdoria on Monday and one man showed up to support the team in the otherwise empty away end. Whether that man (and no, he isn't Eddie Vedder) happened to be a local Udinese supporter or the only person who made the 600-mile round trip from Udine to follow his club isn't clear, but he was there and he was apparently the only one.
His presence was such a delight to the home supporters that instead of abusing him as football fans tend to do with larger visiting crowds, they cheered him and he gave them a wave.
His effort proved well worth it though, as Udinese won 2-0.
UPDATE: The lone Udinese fan has been identified as 37-year-old wine merchant Arrigo Brovedani. His account of what happened is really quite wonderful. From Football Italia:
"I was in Genoa for a work meeting and usually take a trip round the area around this time of year, but it was pure coincidence Udinese were playing there at the same time. So I took advantage and organised a ticket," he told
"If I am in a city where Udinese happen to be playing, clients tend to send me free tickets, as they know my passion for the team. This time it wasn't possible and I had to sort it out myself. [...]
"I made the journey to Genoa, arrived at the stadium and only then did Irealise I was the only Udinese fan there! At that point the stewards asked if I wanted to sit in the main stand, but I insisted on going into the away end, seeing as I had paid for that ticket.
"I had the Udinese flag with me, as I carry it everywhere in my car. The Samp fans applauded me after we scored and they were really very kind. The stewards offered me coffee, then the Samp directors arrived to give me a team jersey.
"At the final whistle when I left, Samp fans came towards me and offered me a drink, complimenting me on my passion. It's a shame I couldn't stay long, as I had to run due to work commitments."
Brovedani says he doesn't know when his next away match will be. In a time when fan violence, misbehavior and hate are all top headlines, it's nice to see a reminder that people can be decent towards one another at a sporting event.
Banned From All-You-Can-Eat Restaurant For Eating Too Much
Two patrons have reportedly been banned for life from an all-you-can-eat buffet in England -- for eating too much.
George Dalmon, 26, and Andy Miles, 25, were booted from Gobi, a Mongolian Barbecue restaurant in Brighton, after the manager labeled the duo "a couple of pigs," according to reports in the British press.
The two guys were Gobi regulars, scarfing somewhere in the range of five bowls of stir-fry apiece each time: "Basically they just come in and pig out," a manager, who asked not to be named, explained to The Sun. "We have put up with them for two years but I've had enough."
He added that, in two years, neither of the pair had tipped or purchased anything other than water and the buffet. He defended his buffet-banning actions to The Telegraph: "We are not a charity, we're a business. It's our restaurant and we can tell people not to come back if we don't want them to."
Gobi's manager isn't the first to gripe about a bad customer. Indeed, a site recently launched aiming to be a place for owners to blacklist or complain about their patrons. attempts to expose those who have stiffed small companies--not quite the case for these stuffed patrons.
Gobi's website continues to advertise the buffet deal, luring in customers with the promise of "the finest meats, seafood and fresh vegetables" stir-fried for you "as many times as you wish." A visit to the buffet set each man back £12 (about $20).
Dalmon and Miles have since defended their actions and believe Gobi shouldn't be able to kick them out. Dalmon told The Argus, "They’ve only got small bowls and you can’t get enough in there so we always go back for more."
Kid will turn 12 on 12/12/12 at 12:12
A boy celebrating his birthday on Wednesday will do so at the exact moment millions of symmetrically-inclined people will mark another unusual date-and-time alignment.
Kiam Moriya, of Birmingham, Ala., was born in Bronxville, N.Y., on Dec. 12, 2000, at 12:12 p.m., meaning he will turn 12 at 12:12 on 12/12/12.
"When I'm turning 12, it's going to be nothing but 12s," Kiam told
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4 million babies were born in the U.S. in 2000. "Although the number of babies born daily would vary," noted, "the average would have been about 11,000 per day. Spread throughout the 1,440-minute day, that would be about eight babies in a given minute."
Translation: You're special, kid, but not that special.
In lieu of a birthday cake, Kiam has requested Krispy Kreme donuts arranged in the shape of a 12.
Birthdays, of course, are not the only celebrations happening Wednesday.
As was the case on 10/10/10, 11/11/11, etc., 12/12/12 is a popular date for event planners. Wednesday purposefully was chosen for the World Day of Interconnectedness, an all-star benefit for victims of Superstorm Sandy at Madison Square Garden and a giant group meditation in New Zealand.
It will also be a popular date to get married. According to the American Academy of Wedding Professionals, 12/12/12 is the last chance this century for couples to get hitched on a date with the same three digits. Wedding registries around the world are reporting a spike in the number of nuptials planned.
Customers Called 'Fat' on Restaurant Bill
The dinner bill for three friends at Chilly D's Restaurant stung, but it wasn't the price - printed on the top of the receipt were the words "Fat Girls".
"I got the bill, I was looking at bill [and] I was like, 'Why does this receipt say 'fat girls?'" customer Christine Duran said.
The friends had dined out at the Stockton, Calif., restaurant, which is a part of the Cameo Casino Restaurant, on Thursday. The bill lists charges for three tri-tips with fries and three sodas, for a total of $25.50. A bartender named Jeff had apparently typed in "Fat Girls" to keep track of their bill.
When Duran asked a manager for an explanation, he "had like a smirk on his face, like it was funny but trying not to laugh," she said.
The dining experience went from bad to worse when the restaurant demanded they still pay the bill, offering them a 25 percent discount and then a 50 percent discount. They declined both offers.
In a Facebook message overnight, Maggie Lewis, the Cameo Club Casino owner, apologized and said the insulting treatment Duran and her friends had received is "intolerable in our establishment."
Jimmy Siemers, co-owner of Chilly D's, didn't work the night Duran and her friends received the offensive receipt, but he said he is trying to clean up the mess.
"I just want to tell them we're sincerely sorry and we'll do everything in our power to make sure this never happens to anyone again," he said.
It's certainly not the first time customers have been insulted on receipts.
In January, a Papa John's employee was fired after writing "Lady Chinky Eyes" on a receipt to identify an Asian customer.
A Maryland woman was insulted at a RadioShack in March when she purchased a cassette tape adapter and left with a receipt that read "ugly itch" from "tattoville," referring to the tattoos on her arm in memory of a child lost to SIDS and her deceased mother.
"Based on descriptions we've seen in the media, this incident obviously does not meet RadioShack's expectations for customer service," Eric Bruner, a spokesman for RadioShack told ABC News. "RadioShack responded immediately after seeing reports in the media, taking the strongest possible disciplinary actions." It is against company policy to discuss individual personnel matters but the company has taken the "strongest action available" in response to the issue, the spokesman said.
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