Sexual Health Survey

Durex Global Sex Survey Result
Sexual Health

What governments should invest in
(click picture to enlarge)
  • More than a third (34%) of people globally believe that governments should be investing in sex education in schools
  • One fifth (20%) of all adults want to see governments funding free contraception, with another 20% wanting to see money go towards finding either a vaccine or cure for HIV/AIDS
  • Those aged 45-55 placed most importance on investment in sex education (48%), whereas the 16-20 year olds were the age group that placed the most importance on free contraception (26%)
  • The countries that would most like to see an investment made in sex education are Vietnam (69%), Turkey (57%) and Greece (56%)
  • More Icelanders than any other nationality want to see funding towards free contraception (48%), while the Indonesians are most likely to call for awareness of abstinence before marriage (22%)

What developing countries need most in terms of sexual health
(click picture to enlarge)
  • More than a third of adults globally (34%) believe developing countries would benefit most from money to support sex education
  • 23% believe they would be better served by greater access to condoms and 14% feel they would benefit most from greater access to vaccines/drugs for people with HIV/AIDS
  • Those aged 16-20 place equal emphasis on money to support sex education and greater access to condoms (28%), while those in the 25-34 age bracket come down heavily in favour of sex education (38%)
  • The Chileans are the nationality who feel the strongest in terms of sex education for developing countries (62%), while the Dutch are the most likely to feel that these countries need greater access to condoms (39%)
  • Greater access to drugs and vaccines for HIV/AIDS is favoured the most by the Indonesians (34%), while Portugal is the country most likely to believe that developing countries will benefit from family planning (28%)
See Other Results:
Durex Global Sex Survey

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