Sexual awareness survey

Durex Global Sex Survey Result
Sexual awareness
Have you ever had any of the following?
(click picture to enlarge)
  • Globally, 13% of adults admit to having had a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and 9% have had an unplanned pregnancy aged 18 or under
  • More than one in five (22%) of 44-55 year olds have had an STI, compared to just 8% of 16-20 year olds
  • More women admit to having had an STI than men - 13.5% compared to 12.1%

Areas which need greater public awareness
(click picture to enlarge)
  • Globally, the top three conditions affecting sexual health which people believe need greater public awareness are HIV/AIDS (72%), syphilis (45%) and hepatitis (45%)
  • Worryingly, 8% of all adults had never heard of most of these conditions and when broken down by age this lack of knowledge increased to 11% among 16-20 year olds and 12% among those aged 55 and above
  • Women are more likely to want a focus on PID than men - 26% compared to 15%; with men (46%) placing greater emphasis on awareness of syphilis than women (43%)
  • Norwegians would like to see a focus on chlamydia more than any other nationality (80%) and those in Slovakia, France and Thailand are the countries wanting to see the most awareness on HIV/AIDS - 95%
  • Vietnam is the country most likely to want a focus on syphilis (87%) and Israel displays the biggest knowledge gap with 23% of adults claiming not to have heard of most of the conditions
See Other Results:
Durex Global Sex Survey

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