Safer sex survey

Durex Global Sex Survey Result
Safer sex
Best way to raise awareness of safer sex
(click picture to enlarge)
  • Almost a third of adults globally (32%) believe the best way of raising awareness about safer sex is by providing free condoms in areas with a high rate of STIs and unplanned pregnancies
  • A further 28% believe the best route is to provide teaching materials to schools and healthcare professionals and 17% feel governments should be encouraged to discuss safer sex issues
  • The French (58%), Icelandics (51%) and Spanish (48%) believe the best way of raising awareness is through free condoms in areas with a high rate of STIs and unplanned pregnancies
  • Encouraging governments to discuss safer sex issues is most popular in Serbia and Montenegro (35%), Turkey (28%) and Hong Kong (27%)

Encouraging young people
(click picture to enlarge)
  • Almost three quarters of adults worldwide (74%) believe young people should be encouraged to practise safer sex
  • A further 16% believe they should have regular health check-ups and 8% believe they should be encouraged to abstain from sex until they are married
  • 9% of 16-20 years olds think that young people should be encouraged to abstain from sex until they are married, compared to 11% of 45-55 year olds
  • Germany (26%) and Denmark (25%) are the countries that are most likely to want to encourage young people to have regular health check-ups
  • Indonesians (54%) and Indians (49%) believe abstaining from sex before marriage should be the priority

See Other Results:
Durex Global Sex Survey

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