Views On Sex survey

Durex Global Sex Survey Result
Views On Sex

(click picture to enlarge)
  • Globally, 44% of all adults claim to be happy with their sex lives and 45% say they are open minded when it comes to sex
  • Men are the least satisfied with how often they have sex. 41% want it more frequently compared to just 29% of women
  • Almost four in 10 people worldwide (39%) like to be inspired and are looking for new ideas about sex, while only 7% believe their sex life is monotonous
  • Lovers in Belgium (57%) and Poland (56%) top the contentment chart, while the Chinese (22%) and Japanese (24%) are the least happy
  • Scandinavians are the least satisfied with the amount of sex they have, with both the Norwegians (53%) and the Swedes (52%) wishing they had sex more frequently

See Other Results:
Durex Global Sex Survey

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