Six Twins ?? Yes it's Sextuplets

Haven't they grown up? Family photos show Walton sextuplets 27 years on

As the world’s only all-female sextuplets, they share the closest possible bond and have faced all of life’s little hurdles together.

For many years the Walton sisters – first-born Hannah, who was followed by Luci, Ruth, Sarah, Kate and Jennie – celebrated their similarities and would pose together for photos in the same school uniforms.

But now, after spending much of the past decade out of the limelight to live more privately, the 27-year-olds are all keen to stress their individuality.

 Happy family: Janet and Graham Walton's daughters (from left) Hannah, Ruth, Luci, Kate, Jennie and Sarah

Two of the sisters, who were born within four minutes of each other on November 18, 1983, are now brunettes. And while the other four still have their blonde locks, there are three different shades between them.

The siblings have also struck out in different directions for their careers, with some working abroad and others taking jobs in the UK.

Yet four still live in the eight-bedroom family home in Wallasey, Wirral, with parents Graham and Janet, a fifth will be returning this summer and the sixth lives just down the road.

Meet the family: The sextuplets as newborns cradled by their parents Graham and Janet. They were born on November 18th, 1983.

Mrs Walton, 58, said: ‘Jennie was a bit of a leader because she climbed out of her cot first, Luci was shy as a toddler but has made up for that now, Sarah was the quietest, although not now, Ruth is quite bossy, Kate is academic and Hannah is very articulate and organised.

‘But they’ve always been close and they talk to each other all the time. And we still have meeting around the kitchen table, which we had for any big decision, such as parties, birthdays or school.’

Hannah, who was the lightest baby at 2lb 1oz, is studying for her PGCE teaching qualification to work in a primary school. She is currently single and enjoys shopping, reading and meeting friends in her spare time.

We’re all quite different. I like to go to the pub, watch the footie and play a bit of poker. I’m a bit of a boy really.’

Sarah is an administration worker at the Central Park Medical Centre in Liverpool and is saving up to buy a home with her boyfriend of four years.

The keep-fit fan, who weighed 2lb 5oz at birth, said:  ‘I’m naturally a very clean person so it is hard being in this house. I like everything in its right place.'

Admin assistant Kate, who works in the human resources department at Liverpool John Moore’s University, is also at home saving money to buy her own place.

She is single and her interests include fashion, bowling and cinema.

‘Jennie, Luci and Ruth have all got the same sense of humour and are quite loud. Then me, Sarah and Hannah are the quieter ones and more sensible,’ said Kate, who was born weighing 2lb 13oz.

Jennie, who was the heaviest baby at 3lb 8oz, works as a children’s entertainer in a Majorca hotel but comes home for the off season.

She and her boyfriend have been together almost four years.

‘We are completely different people, from our hair colour to the way we dress and what we do,’ said Jennie, who enjoys shopping and drinking with friends in her free time.

The odds of having sextuplets are extremely low, with one occurring in every 4.5 million pregnancies.

But many end in miscarriages and, even if the babies defy the odds, the mortality rate is high. In more than 90 per cent of sextuplet births, one or more will die before their first birthday.

 As a result, the Walton children attracted worldwide attention when they were born.

The girls were conceived using fertility treatment and their parents took a year off work to care for them full-time.

Mr Walton, 60, described living with seven women for much of his life as an ‘eye-opener’ but revealed he expected everything to change ‘dramatically, with weddings and babies likely to happen soon’.

However, he added: ‘If they all moved out tomorrow it would be dreadful. I love the noise and the shouting and have loved every minute of them growing up.’


Real Spooky Mummy Who Can Open And Closing Eyes By Itself

Spooky, mummy It Looks Opening and Closing eyes

Creepy mummy figure in Sicily has been the subject of speculation for many years. In a videotape, mummy girl named Rosalia Rombardo is shown being opened and closed his eyes. Rosalia died in 1920 due to illness of pneumonia. During the day, her blue eyes could be seen in their entirety when she moves her eyelids. However, researchers in Italy still has its own explanation is more plausible.

Rosalia is one of the best mummies ever, his body was in the temple Capuchin, Palermo, Sicily. He was dubbed the "sleeping beauty" kaena just looks like a 2 year old baby sleeping. Beauty face framed by curly hair, covered, and she wore a ribbon tied around his head. However, the actual Rosalia eyes can not open and close as said by the head temple of the Capuchin following:

"It is an optical illusion generated by the light coming in through the window, so that during the day as was the mummy's eyes can move,". Piombio said Mascali, head Capuchin temple.

Mummified has been slightly changed from its initial position, so that the new position makes it easier for someone to be able to see the eyelids. Piombino Mascali find a secret preserve mummies Rosalia in 2009. Most of the mummies were treated by the monks and become dry because of the environment but Rosalia is still intact and perfect.

Rosalia's father was devastated by the death of his son and wants her body preserved for eternity. He then asked for help from expert taxidermist and embalming Alfredo Salafia, who also had died in 1933. However, until he died, he never revealed the secrets of what chemicals are used to preserve dead bodies Rosalia.

Piombino Mascali find Salafia manuscript that contains ingredients that are used in 2009. The Formula contents: "one part glycerin, one part formalin mixed with zinc sulfate and chloride, and one more part of the solution of alcohol with acid silsilat".

The herb works perfectly, formalin to kill bacteria, glycerin prevent his body so as not to dry up, killing all fungi silsilat acid and zinc salt helps preserve the body.

The Heroes Of Sydney's Lindt Chocolat Cafe

Sydney - Two hostages were killed in sydney cafe siege on Tuesday, hailed as heroes "who are willing to sacrifice their lives so that others stay alive" in a prayer in the church to mourn the death of them.

Tori Johnson, Lindt chocolate cafe manager was 34 years old, and Katrina Dawson who is a mother and 38-year-old lawyer, died when police stormed in to end the hostage crisis during the 16 hours it.

In prayer at the Cathedral Mary within 500 meters of Lindt Cafe, Archbishop Anthony Fisher preach about how "the hearts of all citizens of the city was destroyed by the deaths of two innocent people".

"The news came this morning as heroic victims of the hostage man," said Fisher.

"Apparently seeing an opportunity, Tori grabbed the gun. Tragically, it went off, killing him. But it triggered the response of police and eventual freedom for most of the hostages," Fisher said. "Reports have also emerged that Katrina Dawson was shielding her pregnant friend from gunfire. These heroes were willing to lay down their lives so others might live."

New South Wales Deputy Police Commissioner Catherine Burn declined to comment on any individual's actions, saying what transpired in the cafe remained under investigation.

"This will all come out in time, no doubt," Burn said. "Can I just say, I think every single one of those hostages, every single one of those victims, acted courageously."

Dawson was the mother of three young children, Chloe, Sasha and Oliver, and a highly respected commercial lawyer. She was remembered as "one of our best and brightest" by New South Wales Bar Association president Jane Needham.

Andrew Powell, head of the Ascham School, which Dawson attended in her youth, said she was a well-respected and giving woman who excelled at her studies. Dawson's daughter Chloe is a student at the school and Sasha will be attending next year.

Dawson was the school's debating captain and played hockey and basketball. After she became a lawyer, she helped teach senior students at her former school how to prepare for mock trials.

Johnson was remembered as a selfless man who put others first.

"By nature he was a perfectionist and he had a genuine passion for the hospitality industry and people," Lindt Australia CEO Steve Loane said in a statement. "His loss is absolutely tragic."

Johnson's parents issued a brief statement, thanking the public for its support.

"We are so proud of our beautiful boy Tori, gone from this earth but forever in our memories as the most amazing life partner, son and brother we could ever wish for," they said.

The Truth about Coconut Oil

Fat in Food: The Truth about Coconut Oil
Does coconut oil live up to the health claims?
David Schardt

“Miraculous.” “Amazing.” “Life Saving.”

For some reason, people love coconut oil. Really love it.

Most of the affection isn’t directed toward conventional coconut oil, which is added to some candies, coffee creamers, movie theater popcorn, and other foods.

Instead, the web has gone gaga over “virgin” oil, which is made by puréeing coconut meat and gently heating it. (To make conventional oil, coconut is cooked and treated with chemicals like hexane to extract the oil.) Here’s what the evidence shows.

Claim: Coconut oil can help you lose weight by speeding up metabolism.

The Facts: Dr. Oz thinks it can. He calls coconut oil “the miracle fat that fights fat.” Yet the only study that tested whether it helps people shed pounds came up empty.

In 2009, a master’s degree student in Brazil gave 40 obese women either coconut oil or soybean oil and asked them to cook with two tablespoons of the oil every day. After three months, the women given coconut oil didn’t weigh any less—and had no smaller waists—than those given soybean oil.

However, the published paper tagged the trivial drop in average waist size (from 39 inches to 38.5 inches) in the coconut oil users as “statistically significant.” It wasn’t.

Yet that’s all osteopath Joseph Mercola needed to shout about “The Amazing Oil That Trims Women’s Waistlines” on (where he will happily sell you coconut oil).

Researchers have had more success using oil made entirely of medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs. (Coconut oil is about 60 percent MCTs.) People metabolize MCTs differently from the long-chain triglycerides found in most other oils.

“MCTs are transported directly from the intestinal tract to the liver, where some of them are burned off as fuel and raise the metabolic rate slightly,” explains Marie-Pierre St-Onge, an assistant professor at Columbia University’s Obesity Research Center. How slightly?

“The increase amounts to about an extra 60 calories a day for someone who consumes one to two tablespoons of MCTs a day,” says St-Onge. “It’s likely much less with coconut oil, which is only about half MCTs, but nobody knows. The research hasn’t been done yet.”

In several small studies, dieters who ate one to two tablespoons of MCT oil a day for three to four months lost about one more pound a month than dieters who ate other oils.

That’s partly due to the small rise in metabolic rate and partly due to MCT oil’s modest impact on appetite.

“We estimate that the dieters ate about 40 fewer calories a day on the MCT diets,” says St-Onge. Overall, MCT oil leads to “a small amount of weight loss that can gradually add up,” she notes. “But it’s not a magic bullet.”

And it’s not cheap. MCT oil costs about five times more than other oils.

Claim: Coconut oil is good for the heart.

The Facts: Researchers haven’t looked at whether people who replace other fats with coconut oil suffer fewer heart attacks or strokes. But they have tested what coconut oil does to LDL (“bad”) and HDL (“good”) cholesterol.

In a study from Malaysia (a major coconut-oil exporter), researchers fed young people diets that got 20 percent of their calories from either coconut oil or olive oil. After five weeks, LDL was 8 percent higher on the coconut oil diet. HDL was 7 percent higher. But HDL may not matter.

“Raising LDL cholesterol clearly increases the risk of heart disease, but we’re no longer sure that raising HDL cholesterol lowers risk,” says Dutch fats expert Martijn Katan, of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

“Drugs that raise HDL, for example, haven’t prevented heart attacks as we expected. So coconut oil, which raises both LDL and HDL, may not be as healthy for the heart as an oil like canola or soy, which lowers LDL and has little effect on HDL.”

Claim: Coconut oil can protect the brain from dementia.

The Facts: It’s not likely…despite Joseph Mercola’s claims (“Four tablespoons of this ‘brain food’ may prevent Alzheimer’s”).

No good studies have tested whether coconut oil can prevent or treat Alzheimer’s or other dementias. So why might coconut or MCT oil help?

In Alzheimer’s, the brain loses its ability to use glucose, but it may still be able to use compounds called ketones. “And the liver can convert MCTs into ketones,” explains pharmacologist Alok Sharma, of MCPHS University in New Hampshire. But that doesn’t mean that MCTs or MCT oil can help, adds Sharma.

For one thing, consuming coconut or MCT oil doesn’t raise ketone levels in the brain high enough, says Richard Veech, a senior investigator with the National Institutes of Health.

The only large trial that gave Alzheimer’s patients MCTs or a placebo reported a benefit in those without ApoE4, a version of a gene that increases Alzheimer’s risk. But the study, which was funded by the MCTs’ man¬ufacturer, was riddled with irregularities.

Claim: Coconut oil fights bacteria, as well as viruses like HIV.

The Facts: doesn’t mince words: coconut oil is “an ideal way to prevent infections.” Don’t bet on it.

Coconut oil has never gone up against viruses or bacteria in a well-designed study in people. In mice, it flunked.

The Naked and Nude Village

The Secret Nude village in England

BRIKET WOOD - A remote village in the United Kingdom have regulations controversial. Because the villagers in Spielplatz, Hertfordshire, England, it has a habit naked in the daily works.

As reported by the Daily Mail, which is very surprising village life is documented in a documentary that recently circulated the first time in cyberspace.

For residents Spielplatz, move without clothes have done since 85 years ago. Founder of the group is 82-year-old man named Iseult Richardson.

Richardson founded a group called Naturists since 1929. According to him, this group is no different from other communities.

"There is no difference between groups Naturists and other residents," said Richardson. "We all live a normal life. We just do not dress while on the move, "he added.

The houses in Spielplatz consists of furnished two bedroom bungalow. This house is sold for 85 thousand pounds or approximately 1.6 billion.

Residents in a small village located in Bricket Wood, Hertfordshire, England, preferring the nude during the daily activities. They only dress when working in the garden.

The Differences Between American And Chinese Political Leaders

Why do Chinese political leaders have engineering degrees whereas their American counterparts have law degrees?
Eric Verhulst

Having visited China often (when doing business), my understanding is that China has actually never been really communist. If one looks over a period of the last 2000 to 3000 years, the communist decades were a blip on the history line, more like a correction mechanism after the Imperial system had lost its grip and power.

The underlying philosophy is that China has always been and still is a Confucian system, i.e. a technocracy. It might not be a democracy as in the West (where democracy often doesn't work because it has turned into system of greed) but they carefully replace the leaders every few years. They have a very long term planning, actually 60 years (12 plans of 5 years). These plans are not like the detailed Soviet central planning but more like a business plan whereby the execution is left to a highly competitive free market. The Chinese are also very good organizers.

Look at how quickly they built their high speed train network. I have seen cases whereby a 30 km highway was refurbished over a WE. The same would have taken 1 or 2 years in Europe.
I think that in general, running a country should be more a management/engineering job than a political one. Lawyers should only help to create an ethical/moral framework. Beware if they write laws that benefit political interest groups.

The Magic of Pope Francis

7 DIFFERENCES Pope Francis Has Made in One !
1. Changed the Golden Throne by a wooden chair... 
Something more appropriate for the disciple of a carpenter.

2. Did NOT want the Gold-Embroidered Red Stole,
     Heir of the Roman Empire...,NOR the RedChasuble.

3. Uses Same Old Black Shoes, not the classic red.
4. Uses a Metal Cross, NOT one of rubies and diamonds.

5. His Papal Ring is Silver, NOT GOLD.

6. Uses the Same Black Pants Under the Cassock, to Remember That He Is A Another Priest.

Have you discovered the 7th?

7. Removed the Red Carpet.
    He is not interested in fame & applause.

The Most Beautiful Beggar in The World

Chinese social networking, Weibo Shina, Perk gorgeous bum named Han Biyao. The young girl who had to beg on the streets to fight for her life.

Biyao born to a wealthy family and live well. Unfortunately this condition changed when her father died and her mother sickly continues.

She doesn't only inherit property, but the debt was far exceeds the amount of  her property. To pay off the debt she had planned to sell herself. And then Biyao life become similar as soap opera story.

The beautiful face girl claimed have been working as a waiter for the sake of her life and for the treatment of her mother. Biyao now risking his life on the streets. On the streets, Biyao become a musician.

Once in a while, the girl who is now dubbed "Homeless Beautiful" is sometimes just hold a plastic cup while begging.

A Pretty Girl Makes University Site Down

Beijing - Her face is very beautiful, long noses and has a sweet smile framed with brownish black hair straight and long, making her become the perfect girl. Thanks to her beauty, a popular Chinese girl called Kang Kang had a chance to make the website of her campus 'down'.

The reason is, because there is so many people want to see the photos uploaded to the homepage graduation university's website at Renmin University School of the Arts.

In fact, Kang Kang did not dress posing sexy or indecent. Still wearing graduation robes, she posed around campus: graduation cap holding, hugging cello, standing and holding in the wire fence.

Let's look at some of the poses that makes the site one of the campuses in China it can not be accessed.

The Secrets How To Play Golf While Naked and Nude


A resort called La Jenny in France, unlike other resorts. The resort is reserved for nudists and there is a golf course, which the visitors can play golf while naked. OMG!!!

Nudists are people who have not use principle for any clothes. The reason, they consider it to get closer to nature. Nudists can be found in various countries in Europe and America.

As it turns out the problem has nothing to do also with tourism. Some destinations and resorts in the world has a theme nudists, which allows tourists to nude. One is La Jenny, a resort in Le Porge, France within 7 hours of the City of Paris.

Viewed from the official website of La Jenny, this resort has been established since 1993 and became popular in 2009. Have an area of 300 acres, a variety of facilities available in full from a pool of 1,000 square meters, tennis courts, beach private, up to 13 types of lodging.

One more facilities so excellence La Jenny is a 22-hectare golf course with 6 holes. Not much different golf field with golf courses that you see. However, tourists who play there could be naked!

In fact, the La Jenny assume that their golf course is the only one of the biggest sports arena for nudists. So do not be surprised, either men or women who like to play a lot of golf there with no wear at all.

Rates for playing golf at La Jenny ranging from 25 euros for the whole day. For those who want to learn golf, there are special classes that are subject to tariffs ranging from 20 euros for one hour.

Not just on the golf course, tourists who are nudists free to undress during in the pool, or at the beach inn. Even so, there are strict rules that must be adhered to, such as not to disturb each other, not with each other taking pictures and not spit affection in public.

The resort of La Jenny apparently also open to the public. Price per night to stay there from 27 euros per day, or approximately USD 410 thousand, with a record minimum stay for 2 nights. Inn-shaped wooden house in the woods.

The Secrets of Internet Acronyms for Sex

28 Internet acronyms every parent should know

1. IWSN - I want sex now

2. GNOC - Get naked on camera

3. NIFOC - Naked in front of computer

4. PIR - Parent in room

5 CU46 - See you for sex

6. 53X - Sex

7. 9 - Parent watching

8. 99 - Parent gone

9. 1174' - Party meeting place

10. THOT - That hoe over there

Kode untuk Narkoba

11. CID - Acid (the drug)

12. Broken - Hungover from alcohol

13. 420 - Marijuana

14. POS - Parent over shoulder

15. SUGARPIC - Suggestive or erotic photo

16. KOTL - Kiss on the lips

17. (L)MIRL - Let's meet in real life

18. PRON - Porn

19. TDTM - Talk dirty to me

20. 8 - Oral sex

21. CD9 - Parents around/Code 9

22. IPN - I'm posting naked

23. LH6 - Let's have sex

24. WTTP - Want to trade pictures?

25. DOC - Drug of choice

26. TWD - Texting while driving

27. GYPO - Get your pants off

28. KPC- Keeping parents clueless

Riot Survivor Become Governor

Riot Survivor Ready to Become First Chinese Jakarta Governor

Jakarta's acting governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, known as Ahok, left, with Indonesia's president-elect Joko Widodo in Jakarta.

Molotov cocktails and machetes were what Basuki Tjahaja Purnama’s family once needed to fend off rioters bent on driving ethnic Chinese from Jakarta. Sixteen years later he’s set to become the Indonesia capital’s first governor from the minority group.

“We just needed to survive,” Basuki’s younger brother Basuri Tjahaja Purnama recalled of the May 1998 attacks. “Why should we leave? We were born here, grew up here. It’s our land and our soil. So we just needed to defend ourselves.”

The violence that left more than 1,000 people dead and buildings burned was fueled by an economic crisis sweeping Southeast Asia that helped eject dictator Suharto weeks later. His fall set Indonesia on the path to democracy, a process that saw current Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo elected president last month and left deputy Basuki, known as Ahok, next in line to lead a city with an annual budget of $6.2 billion.

While ethnic Chinese, who officially make up 1.2 percent of the population, have lived in Indonesia for centuries and now run some of the country’s conglomerates, they faced government discrimination in a nation with the world’s largest Muslim population. Under Suharto, who suspended diplomatic ties with Communist China, some Chinese adopted Indonesian-sounding names and their schools and newspapers were closed. Politics is an arena where hurdles remain, with few having served in senior posts.

A rioter throws objects into a fire burning in the middle of a road in Jakarta on May 14, 1998. The violence that left more than 1,000 people dead and buildings burned was fueled by an economic crisis sweeping Southeast Asia that helped eject dictator Suharto weeks later.

“Ahok’s definitive appointment as governor will indeed be a watershed from the standpoint of ethnic tolerance,” said Kevin O’Rourke, a political analyst who wrote the book “Reformasi: The Struggle for Power in Post-Soeharto Indonesia.” “Ahok’s appointment will be particularly poignant as a point of comparison with the atrocities of 16 years ago.”
Traffic, Bureaucracy

Ahok and Widodo, a former mayor from central Java known as Jokowi, were elected to a five-year term in 2012 on promises to tackle Jakarta’s notorious traffic, build infrastructure, shake up the bureaucracy and cut corruption. Ahok, 48, said there was no discussion about him joining Jokowi’s Cabinet because the president-elect wants him to stay on in Jakarta to execute their plan and be a “role model” for other provinces.

“I told Pak Jokowi, ‘I’ll be more comfortable and faster than you because the president in the past didn’t say ’I’ll guarantee anything,’” Ahok, who took over as acting governor while Jokowi, 53, campaigned for president in June, told reporters on July 24. “Now Jokowi will guarantee.”

While Jokowi’s appeal to voters is rooted in his plain talk and an everyman image burnished by bicycling to work and daily visits to slums and markets, Ahok is known for a no-nonsense attitude and sometimes abrasive approach.
‘More Diplomatic’

“The bad cop-good cop analogy is a very fair one,” Keith Loveard, head risk analyst at Jakarta’s Concord Consulting, said of the pair. He said Ahok impressed voters by not tolerating underperforming officials. On July 23, Ahok berated workers at a vehicle testing center in west Jakarta for approving cars that weren’t roadworthy, and for having faulty equipment.

“Given his willingness to clean up long-ignored dirt, a lot of people are not concerned one way or another about his ethnicity,” Loveard said. “He does perhaps need to be more pragmatic and learn to be more diplomatic as he moves into the top job.”

Ahok’s style isn’t unique in the family, his brother said. “At home we spoke very loudly, even when we’re discussing things,” Basuri, 46, said, recalling one occasion when a neighbor called their relatives to check on the boys, thinking he heard fighting inside their house. “We were just discussing stuff.”
‘Fight Officials’

His brother said Ahok has a caring nature and would watch out for his three younger siblings. He recalls a brother who without asking would drive to pick him up from school when it was raining. “Don’t look at his temperamental side,” said Basuri. “He is indeed temperamental, but all of us are angry when we see injustice.”

That fighting spirit was instilled as children when their father, a doctor, would get upset about people who complained about corruption or social injustice yet did nothing about it, Basuri said. “If you want to change the system, you have to enter the system,” he remembers their father telling them. “If you want to fight officials, be an official.”

Ahok, who went to university in Jakarta before becoming a businessman on his home island of Belitung, was elected to the local parliament in 2004, and the next year voted in as regent, the equivalent of mayor, for part of the island. In 2009 he entered the national parliament before being tapped as Jokowi’s running mate in Jakarta. Basuri is now a regent on Belitung, while sister Fifi Lety Tjahaja Purnama ran unsuccessfully for mayor of Pangkal Pinang in 2008.
‘Go to Hell’

Ahok’s ethnicity, coupled with the fact he is a Christian, has made him a target for religious hardliners. He said he doesn’t think that will hamper his ability to govern, calling his background “an old story.”

“When I was a regent, people said ‘Vote for Ahok and you will go to hell’,” he said, pointing out that strongly religious parties didn’t make substantial gains in April’s national parliamentary election. “Those parties have not reached hell yet, but have been punished by the people. Parties selling religions will tumble. The era has changed.”

While Ahok is poised to become Jakarta’s first self-identified Chinese governor, one Christian predecessor who declined to specify his ethnicity hailed from an area with a large Chinese presence. Henk Ngantung was Jakarta’s leader from 1964 to 1965, when he resigned amid accusations he was a communist sympathizer and lived the rest of his life in seclusion, only being paid a state pension from the 1980s. Though he was rumored to be Chinese, he never said so publicly.
Inherited Post

During the presidential race Jokowi, a Javanese Muslim, faced claims on social media that he was a Chinese Christian. With his poll numbers slipping, he broke from campaigning in the final days before the vote to make a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Even as Ahok will be the first Chinese governor of the province he’s inheriting the job rather than being voted in, said Hui Yew-Foong, coordinator of the Indonesia studies program at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.

“Jakartans are more cosmopolitan and are likely to accept his governorship, especially if Jokowi continues to support him,” said Hui, who studies the Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia. “This does not rule out opposition to his governorship, especially from the more conservative Islamic quarters.”

Loveard said while there is still racism in the country “this is increasingly becoming a minority view and Ahok is in a strong position to change the general perception of the ethnic group.”
Chinese Hopes

Prisca Liong, a small business owner who attends the same church as Ahok and once studied in his Sunday school class, isn’t so sure. While the 27-year-old notes that there have been positive changes since her parents’ generation and ethnic Chinese in Indonesia are more integrated, she said she is still scarred by her childhood memories of 1998.

“We saw with our own eyes what our own country did to us,” she said. “That’s also why I find it strange to see people like Ahok stepping up to serve the country. Why would you want to do that? You’re only opening yourself up to so much hostility and what’s there to gain? It’s not a smooth road for an honest politician.”

For Ahok, the task will be to deliver on his promises, she said.

“He carries all the Chinese Christians’ names on his shoulders. If he should stumble, that ruins it all.”


Jakarta's first Chinese governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama 'Ahok' sworn in
By George Roberts

Indonesia's president Joko Widodo has officially sworn in the first ethnic Chinese to govern the capital, Jakarta.

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, also known by the nickname Ahok, has been serving as acting governor since Mr Widodo stepped aside last month to become president.

Indonesia has the world's biggest Muslim population and hardline Islamists have staged protests against Mr Ahok, who is a Christian, taking over as governor.

Thousands of police had been deployed around the capital this week in case of violence.

But Mr Ahok's inauguration ceremony at the presidential palace on Wednesday was peaceful and uninterrupted.

The secular country of 240 million people has seen a rise in attacks over the last decade against Christians, Shia Muslims and members of Ahmadiyah, a small Islamic sect.

Mr Widodo's administration has pledged to protect all religious minorities in Indonesia, where nearly 90 per cent of the population consider themselves Muslim.


When In Rome, Do As The Romans Do !!!



Muslim parents demanded the abolition of pork in all the school canteens of Ath in Belgium.
Marc Duvivier the mayor of Ath, has refused, and the town clerk sent a note to all parents to explain why.
“Muslims must understand that they have to adapt to Belgium, its customs, its traditions, its way of life, because that's where they chose to immigrate.
They must understand that they have to integrate and learn to live in Belgium.
They must understand that it is for them to change their lifestyle, not the Belgians who so generously welcomed them.
They must understand that the Athois are neither racist nor xenophobic, they accepted many immigrants before Muslims (whereas the reverse is not true that Muslims do not accept non-Muslim foreigners on their soil).
That no more than other nations, the Belgians are not willing to give up their identity, their culture.
And if Belgium is a land of welcome, it's not Marc Duvivier that welcomes foreigners, but the Belgian people as a whole.
Finally, they must understand that in Belgium with its Judeo-Christian roots, Christmas trees, churches and religious festivals, religion must remain in the private domain. The municipality of Ath was right to refuse any concessions to Islam and Sharia.
For Muslims that disagree with secularism and do not feel comfortable in Belgium, there are 57 beautiful Muslim countries in the world, most of them under-populated and ready to receive them with open halal arms in accordance with Shariah.
If you left your country for Belgium, and not for other Muslim countries, it is because you have considered that life is better in Belgium than elsewhere.

Ask yourself the question, just once, “Why is it better here in Belgium than where you come from?”
A canteen with pork is part of the answer.

The Secrets of The Real Truth In Life

The Story Behind :"TRUTH in LIFE" Really was Better than Good !!!

After his Father's death, the son decided to leave his mother at old age home and visited her on and off.

Once he received a call from old age home... Mom very serious ... please come to visit.
Son went and saw Mom very critical, on her dying bed. He asked: Mom what can I do for you. Mom replied ... "Please install fans in the old age home, there are none ...
Also put a fridge for betterment of food because many times I slept without food".

Son was surprised and asked: mom, while you were here you never complained,
Now you have few hours left and you are telling me all this, why??? 
Mom replied...."it's OK dear, I've managed with the heat, hunger & pain,
but when your children will send you here, I am
afraid you will not be able to manage the TRUTH !!!

    Truth no 1 : nobody is real in the world except "MOTHER" !!!
    Truth no. 2 : a poor person has no friends ...
    Truth no. 3 : people do not like good thoughts they like good looks ...
    Truth no 4 : people respect the money not the person..
    Truth no 5 : the person you love the most, will hurt you the most !!! 
    Truth no 6 : "Truth is Simple But The Moment You try to explain it... It 
                          become difficult !!! 
    Truth no 7 : "When you are happy you enjoy the music", but "when you are                                sad You understand the Lyrics".
    Truth no 8 : IN LIFE, Two things define you- YOUR PATIENCE when you have
                          nothung ... and YOUR ATTITUDE  when YOU HAVE EVERYTHING ...

The Secrets How To Have Sharp And Best Memory in Old Age

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Sarah Knapton

Brains of older people are slow because they know so much....

Older people do not decline mentally with age, it just takes them longer to recall facts because they have more information in their brains, scientists believe.

Much like a computer struggles as the hard drive gets full up, so to do humans take longer to access information, it has been suggested.

Researchers say this slowing down it is not the same as cognitive decline.

The human brain works slower in old age,” said Dr. Michael Ramscar,
"but “ only because we have stored more information over time .

"The brains of older people do not get weak. On the contrary, they simply know more.”Also, older people often go to another room to get something and when they get there, they stand there wondering what  they came for.

It is NOT a memory problem, it is nature's way of making older people do more exercise.
SO THERE!! We Are All Brilliant!

Topless Girl in Catholic Church

Topless Femen activist goes on trial in Cologne

The trial of a member of radical feminist group Femen has begun in Germany. Josephine Witt jumped up half-naked onto the altar of Cologne cathedral during Christmas mass last year, in protest against the Catholic Church.

Almost a year after Josephine Witt climbed topless onto the altar of Cologne Cathedral during a Christmas mass, the member of the radical feminist protest group Femen stood trial on Wednesday in the western German city.

The 21-year-old is facing charges of the disturbance of the free practice of religion - a crime which, if found guilty, could see her imprisoned for up to three years.

In protest against the Catholic Church and its hierarchy, Witt stood half naked with the words "I am God" written across her chest and stomach. Immediately after her bare protest, Witt told press agency dpa: "Cologne is the capital of Catholics in Germany, and [Cardinal] Meisner stands for a very conservative orientation."

Unfazed by Witt's protest, Cardinal Meisner, who has since retired said: "I'm 80 years old. I've lived through so much: first the Nazi period, then the entire Communist period - something like this can't shock me after that."

At the time of the protest, however, one worshipper was less than impressed and slapped Witt after she had be pulled down from the altar by cathedral staff. The church-goer later settled the legal case over the blow for 500 euros ($615).

Earlier this year, Witt also took part in a demonstration against Russian President Vladimir Putin but was overpowered by his bodyguards.

Pussy Riot comparison

Femen, which was founded in Ukraine in 2008, has compared Witt's case to the trial against feminist activists Pussy Riot in Russia, after the group conducted a protest in a Russian Orthodox church in Moscow. Despite protests from Germany and other countries, three of Pussy Riot's members were imprisoned.

Cathedral provost Norbert Feldhoff, however, dubbed Femen's comparison as "completely overblown," saying that the German and Russian justice systems were hardly comparable. "This isn't just about the Catholic Church, it's about free practice of religion in its widest sense, it's about living together peacefully."

Femen is now based in Paris, but now has several international branches which have become known for organizing controversial topless protests against a host of subjects, including sexism, homophobia and sex tourism.


This Girl Is Too Sexy for Being Flight Attendant

An unfortunate fate for this beautiful stewardess. Since she is considered too sexy, she fired from the company where she worked. She was considered too pretty and too sexy to work on the plane.

This dismissal started when directors Turkish Airlines find video girl named Zuhal Sengul wearing a very sexy bikini. This video is circulating in cyberspace that is actually a visualization of the photo shoot she did. Reporting from Metro News, this is a photo session for a magazine in Italy.

Turkish Airlines spokesman said that there are standards that they apply to the standardization of flight attendants. "And such a model (section) is not a standard for us," he said.

Not only this time the airline just super strict discipline for cabin attendants. Last year the company also fired the employee because she was caught wearing lipstick.

"We just need a simple makeup. Lipstick is too much, "they explained.

President of the Board of Directors Airline's Hava, Atilay Aycin, also admitted the same thing. It is a matter of ideology that is intolerable. "No one denies that now Turkey became truly conservative and religious country," he explained.

The Most Prettiest Girl In The World Exposed

She was only nine years old, but she already achieved success as a model since age four, that's Kristina Pimenova. Kristina from Russia has a beautiful face and legs like a model. Shee was nicknamed 'The most beautiful girl in the world' or the prettiest girl in the world. This is the beauty Kristina.

Kristina has existed on the catwalk since the age four. She also appeared on the cover of Vogue Bambini exclusive magazine at the age seven. And up to now nine years old, long-haired girl had been a face for a variety of leading fashion brands such as Roberto Cavalli, Dolce & Gabbana, Armani and Benetton.

Kristina currently has a lot of fans. Facebook accounts are managed on its behalf mother, Glikeriya Shirokova, has more than 2 million followers. While her Instagram account which also dealt with her mother, has more than 315 thousand followers. The fans gave her a wide variety of nicknames ranging from "the most beautiful girl in the world ',' the legs' to 'the baby's face'.

In her Facebook account, Kristina's mother wrote her daughter began a career as a model at the age four "Wherever I go, people always say how pretty is Kristina and asked her to try to be a model," she says on the page about her little girl. The mother was then tried it and it turned out her beautiful little girl loved it, especially when walking on the catwalk. 

Instagram Accounts: @kristinapimenova2005
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