Real Spooky Mummy Who Can Open And Closing Eyes By Itself

Spooky, mummy It Looks Opening and Closing eyes

Creepy mummy figure in Sicily has been the subject of speculation for many years. In a videotape, mummy girl named Rosalia Rombardo is shown being opened and closed his eyes. Rosalia died in 1920 due to illness of pneumonia. During the day, her blue eyes could be seen in their entirety when she moves her eyelids. However, researchers in Italy still has its own explanation is more plausible.

Rosalia is one of the best mummies ever, his body was in the temple Capuchin, Palermo, Sicily. He was dubbed the "sleeping beauty" kaena just looks like a 2 year old baby sleeping. Beauty face framed by curly hair, covered, and she wore a ribbon tied around his head. However, the actual Rosalia eyes can not open and close as said by the head temple of the Capuchin following:

"It is an optical illusion generated by the light coming in through the window, so that during the day as was the mummy's eyes can move,". Piombio said Mascali, head Capuchin temple.

Mummified has been slightly changed from its initial position, so that the new position makes it easier for someone to be able to see the eyelids. Piombino Mascali find a secret preserve mummies Rosalia in 2009. Most of the mummies were treated by the monks and become dry because of the environment but Rosalia is still intact and perfect.

Rosalia's father was devastated by the death of his son and wants her body preserved for eternity. He then asked for help from expert taxidermist and embalming Alfredo Salafia, who also had died in 1933. However, until he died, he never revealed the secrets of what chemicals are used to preserve dead bodies Rosalia.

Piombino Mascali find Salafia manuscript that contains ingredients that are used in 2009. The Formula contents: "one part glycerin, one part formalin mixed with zinc sulfate and chloride, and one more part of the solution of alcohol with acid silsilat".

The herb works perfectly, formalin to kill bacteria, glycerin prevent his body so as not to dry up, killing all fungi silsilat acid and zinc salt helps preserve the body.

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