Sex Tools survey

Durex Global Sex Survey Result
Sex Tools
Uses for lubricants

(click picture to enlarge)
  • Three quarters (75%) of adults believe lubricants are used for vaginal dryness, with 63% associating them with anal sex and 47% believing they are used to help make sex less painful
  • More than a third (36%) believe they are used to enhance sexual pleasure and 21% think they help add variety to sex
  • Women (16%) are more likely to associate lubricants with the menopause than men (9%)
  • Almost three quarters of Americans (74%) think lubricants are used to enhance sexual pleasure compared to just 12% of Italians

Buying vibrators or massagers

(click picture to enlarge)
  • Most people prefer to buy vibrators from sex shops (54%) or the internet (42%)
  • Almost one in five (18%) would prefer to buy via mail order and 19% would not buy one
  • Norway (69%) and Denmark (66%) lead the way when it comes to buying over the internet and Spain tops the tables for choosing sex shops (87%), followed by Croatia (74%)
  • More than one in five (23%) Irish people would like to be able to buy these products in a lingerie store
  • 52% of Indians said they would not buy one, compared to just 6% of Austrians

Sex enhancers you own
(click picture to enlarge)
  • Globally, the top three sexual enhancers are pornography (41%), massage oils (31%) and lubricants (30%)
  • More than one in five adults have used a vibrator (22%) and they are more popular with women than men - 26% compared to 19%
  • A third of women (33%) have used massage oils to spice things up a little while men prefer pornography (49%)
  • The Taiwanese are most likely to use vibrators (47%), with Americans and the British in second place (43%)
  • The Thais use pornography more than any other country (62%), lubricants are most popular in New Zealand (60%) and pleasure enhancing condoms get the thumbs up from half of all Bulgarians

See Other Results:

Durex Global Sex Survey

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