Sex Places survey

Durex Global Sex Survey Result
Sex Places

(click picture to enlarge)
  • The most common place for adults to have sex outside their bedroom is in the car (50%), followed by toilets (39%), parent’s bedroom (36%) and the park (31%)
  • 15% of people have had sex at work, with one in ten saying they’ve had sex at school - and 2% have joined the mile high club
  • Just over a third (34%) of 16-20 year olds favour the car compared to 69% of 45-55 year olds
  • More than eight in ten Italians (82%) have had sex in the car, while the Australians top the league for having sex in the park (54%)
  • The Americans and Canadians lead the way for favouring sex in front of a camera (both 21%) while 22% of Turks have indulged in extra curricular activity at school

See Other Results:
Durex Global Sex Survey

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