The Richest People In America: Gordon Moore

AP Photo/John Todd

#84 Gordon Moore

$4.4 billion
Source: Intel (nasdaq: INTC - news - people )

Studied chemistry at UC, Berkeley, earned Ph.D. from Caltech. Cofounded Intel 1968; ignited PC revolution. Created Moore's Law: computing power will double every 18 months (later updated to 2 years). Today Intel microchips found in desktops, laptops, cell phones, digital cameras, GPS navigators. Shares down 20% since August 2007. Company working with Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook to upgrade social networking outfit's data servers. Has donated $5 billion worth of shares to Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation since 2000. Foundation doles out $200 million annually; supports biodiversity preservation, space exploration, Caltech.

Complete List The Richest People In America

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