Women Going Through Menopause

Women Going Through Menopause
They call it "change of life," and it is true.

Something is changing in us—some changes are painful, some gentle, some sudden, some gradual. They are guiding us to another place in our lives.

There, we say goodbye to our ability to bear children, but not to our capacity to love. We say goodbye to fertility of body, but not to our fertile spirits. Together as women, we support each other through symptoms of cramps and hot flashes, sleeplessness and dryness, bloating and thirst and volatile emotions.

On the other side of menopause, we find a freedom we haven't known in many years. Now with the wisdom of experience, we can reach again for our long-held dreams, and we can pursue new ones. May our gifts continue to bless the world, and may we be blessed in our journey.

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