Infertility and Depression

We've discussed the topic of infertility and depression often on the discussion boards of Group Beyond Blue. The risk for depression is real among women having difficulty getting pregnant and this is why, according to Dr. Ruta Nonacs in "A Deeper Shade of Blue":

Also at high risk for depression are those women who are struggling to have children. For about 10 percent to 20 percent of women, pregnancy ends in miscarriage. Although the emotional impact of minimized, many women suffer from depression after the loss of a pregnancy. In addition, it is estimated that about 9 million American women have experienced fertility problems, and as more women delay their plans to have children, this number is steadily rising. Obviously, discovering that one may be infertile is stressful and potentially devastating in and of itself; however, as a woman pursues infertility treatment and attempts to get pregnant, her emotional distress may be intensified and she is particularly vulnerable to depression. In fact, recent studies indicate that about one-quarter of women receiving infertility treatment may develop significant depression or anxiety.

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