The Man Without Penis Helped By Emergency Penis Team

'I lost my penis at SIX - now I want to have sex with my wife': How genital reconstruction surgery is giving one man his life back

    Mohammed, 40, from Edinburgh, lost penis and left testicle
    A new penis was constructed from skin on his leg
    Describes it as 'a tube to pee out of', and cannot achieve erection
    After recently getting married he wants to fully reform his penis
    Undergoes reconstruction on Channel 4's Embarrassing Bodies

The Embarrassing Bodies team - Dr Dawn, Dr Christian and Dr Pixie - helped Mohammed rebuild his sex life.

A man who lost his penis in a car accident at the age of six is looking forward to getting his sex life back by having a penis reconstruction surgery.

Mohammed, 40, from Edinburgh, was pushed into the road as a child, falling under a moving car which dragged him for 600 yards, resulting in serious injuries to his genitals and thighs.

His penis was completely destroyed, along with his left testicle. He thinks part of his right testicle was saved, but he can’t see or feel anything.

Mohammed lost his penis after being hit by a car when he was just sixyears old

Speaking to Dr Pixie on Channel 4's Embarrassing Bodies, Mohammed explained how surgeons built him a new penis using skin from his leg, which he describes as just 'a tube to pee out of'.

He can’t remember much from that period of this life, aside from spending a lot of it in hospital, and underwent over 100 operations to fix the problem.

'When you're that age you just don't realise,' he said. 'I was treated by one nurse when I was just seven, and she helped me throughout my younger life. She was like a second mother to me and we are still in touch.'

Mohammed, 40, from Edinburgh, was pushed into the road as a child, falling under a moving car which dragged him for 600 yards, resulting in serious injuries to his genitals and thighs

Mohammed’s penis, around 6-7cm in length, is numb to the touch, though he can feel when he’s urinating. He describes the whole area as very sensitive.

And while he can orgasm, he is unable to achieve any kind of erection.

After recently getting married to a woman he met in Pakistan three years ago, Mohammed wants to completely resolve the problem in order to consummate their relationship.

He said: 'I recently got married and I've not just got myself to think about, I've got my wife to think about. I want to have sex and be normal.

'My wife isn't putting any pressure on me but I just want to lead a normal life.'

'I have always been interested in medical programmes, I could watch open heart surgery all day after all I have been through'

'I thought I would come on the show and give it a shot, why not?' he added.

Dr Pixie referred Mohammed to a specialist, to see whether an erection might be possible for him - and whether he is producing any sperm.

Mohammed went to see leading penis surgeon Mr Nim Christopher, Consultant Uroandrologist at University College Hospital, London.

Mr Christopher and his colleague Consultant Urologist Mr David Ralph specialise in functional and structural penile problems, working together on large cases like this.

Mr Christopher recommended a completely new and larger penile reconstruction from a radial forearm flap, which would be fully sensate.

This approach is a long term prospect and is completed over three separate operations.

Mohammed has now had the first of these three operations, in which skin and fat from his forearm was removed to create a new penis, which was then attached during an 11-hour operation.

Mr Christopher also discovered Mohammed’s missing testicle - which could mean a fertile future for the newlyweds.

Two further operations will address both the appearance and functionality of Mohammed's new penis.

Mohammed is thrilled with the progress. He said: 'It is absolutely brilliant that somebody can say they can do something for me, I just didn't think anyone could do anything about it.

Six weeks later, and following a few infections, Mohammed is still recovering from this major procedure and waiting for three more operations, all of which will be covered in future episodes of Embarrassing Bodies.

Speaking about how his wife feels about the operations, Mohammed said: 'She is very caring and understanding.

'She is very excited - although it is a long process. She doesn't really like me being in the spotlight but I want to open up about my problem in the hope that it can help others.'

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