Iranian Naked and Nude

 “Down with the hijab”—-Iranian undressed in Stockholm against Hijab and Islam

Stockholm: On the eve of the International Day of Women’s Rights young activist of Communist Party of Iran and the “Organization against violence under women in Iran” undressed in the center of Stockholm to express the protest against the hijab. Islamic world takes this action as abusive and infringement of “Right of Choice” of those Muslims women who wear Hijab. Muslims strongly criticized words like “Down with the Hijab” and are of the view that Muslims have rights for choosing Hijab and international laws do not allow any other group to use such words like “Down with Hijab”.

On their bodies they wrote “My nudity – my protest” and “Down with the hijab” like FEMEN sextremists. Activists also held the photos of the FEMEN’s anti-islamist actions. We want to remind you that on the 20th of December 2012 famous Egyptian activist Alia Al Mahdi, together with FEMEN made an antiislamist protest next to the Egyptian embassy in Stockholm. The aim of the protest was a need to draw the world’s attention to the threat of Islaimisation of Egyptian constitution and the introduction of Morsi’s Shariah Law.

FEMEN, the Ukrainian women’s group known for using nudity in its demonstrations, posted photos of the Iranian women’s topless protest on its website in a show of solidarity. The Ukrainian activists have spoken out against Islamist regimes in the past, telling Muslim women to “get naked” during a September demonstration in Paris.

Most recently, FEMEN activists stripped down in late February and attempted to lunge at former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi as he arrived at a polling station in Italy. The three topless women who broke past the crowd of journalists were swiftly detained by police.

The activists, who organized the rally on Facebook, protested in Stockholm — the country’s capital — days before International Women’s Day, which is celebrated annually on March 8.

During the protest, the partially nude women bore painted slogans, such as “My nudity is my protest” and “No to hijab,” on their chests and backs and held posters from past FEMEN demonstrations. In video footage of the protest, a masked woman chanted “Hijab is not my choice” and “Down with Islamic Republic of Iran,” using a microphone to project her message.

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