Toddler swallows 42 FRIDGE MAGNETS

Toddler swallows 42 FRIDGE MAGNETS after mother leaves him in the kitchen for just a few minutes
    Mother left 16-month-old son by family fridge for matter of minutes
    Rushed him to doctors for scan after realising all fridge magnets had gone
    X-ray revealed boy had swallowed dozens and he had emergency surgery
    He is now recovering as doctors warn parents to watch young children

This X-ray reveals some of the 42 round magnets inside the toddler's stomach

Parents of toddlers know that their curious young ones will put almost anything in their mouths as they explore the world.

But one Russian mother was shocked when she realised her 16-month old son had swallowed dozens of fridge magnets.

The woman panicked after she noticed that all of the magnets from the family's fridge had gone missing after leaving him for a short period of time.

She rushed her son to a local clinic where doctors performed a scan. They were amazed to see a huge quantity of small, round magnets in his abdomen.

The boy was then rushed to a hospital near her home in Chelyabinsk, where surgeons immediately operated.

'The child had been in the room alone with the magnets and now they were gone. She thought he must have swallowed them,' said a clinic spokesman.

Surgeons confirmed her fears when scans found 42 magnets in the child's digestive system.

Chief paediatric surgeon Nikolay Rostovtsev - who performed the surgery - said: 'Over the years, I had to take a variety of foreign bodies including magnets from young patients.

'Once I removed about 20 of them, but this incident of our little patient has broken all records.'
All the magnets once they had been removed

The 42 magnets once they had been removed. Surgeons called on parents to keep a close eye on young children as they explore new things with their mouths

The boy is now recovering from the adominal operation at Chelyabinsk Oblast Children's Hospital.

Surgeons have appealed to parents to keep a close eye on young children as they play, because they taste new objects as a way to explore their surroundings.

Parents are advised to child proof their homes by doing a careful survey of what their toddler can reach in each room and removing or fixing anything that could be hazardous. Children will naturally stop putting things in their mouths before they turn four.

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