Never Duct-Taping Your Children Face!!

Mom arrested after duct-taping her son's face so only his nose was left uncovered and sending picture to his shocked father

    Tiffany Ennis sent the father of her son a photo of the 7-year-old with his face covered in duct tape
    The couple exchanged angry texts and a brief call about the incident
    The boy's father involved the police and Ennis has been charged with child endangerment
    She has pleaded not guilty and is due back in court in May

An apparent joke between a mother and son has ended in criminal charges after the boy’s father failed to see the funny side of receiving a photo of the child with his face covered in duct tape.

Tiffany Ennis, 31, of Sandusky, Ohio, sent a text message with a picture of her 8-year-old son with his forehead, eyes, and mouth duct-taped to the boy's father, Rudy Yado, on Monday. No message was attached to the photo.

The estranged couple exchanged angry texts before Ennis put the phone down on Yado.

Fearing for his son's safety, Yado contacted Sandusky police and asked officers to check on the boy at Ennis' home.

Ennis told police she was playing around with duct tape with her friend and their kids and that she had wrapped tape over her son's eyes and mouth because they both thought it was funny, according to the police report.

Only the boy's nose was left uncovered.

She also taped up the head of an 11-year-old girl, according to the police report. The report did not identify the parents of the girl.

Ennis said it was not meant to be hurtful and they were joking around, the report said.

Detective Sgt. Dana Newell of the Sandusky police department went to Ennis' home on Feb. 19 with Erie County Child Services to check on the children.

'I think somebody made a bad judgement,' he said.

Ennis was subsequently arrested for duct-taping the children's heads and eyes, and transported to the Sandusky police department. She signed herself out, he said.

Ennis was charged with two counts of child endangering. She pleaded not guilty to the charges and is due back in Sandusky Municipal Court for trial on May 30.

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