Born in Toilet


Gemma Wotherspoon was told by doctors she wasn't in labour and sent home. Three hours later, she gave birth to baby Ryan in her bathroom.

Gemma Wotherspoon, 28, phoned the Penrice Hospital in St Austell, Cornwall, when she developed severe back pains on her due date.

But despite showing the classic signs of contractions, nurses assured her the birth was imminent and instead advised her to stay home and take paracetamol.
Gemma Wotherspoon was told by doctors she wasn't in labour and sent home. Three hours later, she gave birth to baby Ryan in her bathroom

Gemma Wotherspoon was told by doctors she wasn't in labour and sent home. Three hours later, she gave birth to baby Ryan in her bathroom

When the pain got worse her husband Alistair, 30, drove her to the hospital.

But after being examined nurses again insisted that she was not in labour and discharged her with 'back pain'.

She ended up giving birth just two hours after arriving back at home, while sitting on the toilet.

Mrs Wotherspoon, from Bodmin, Cornwall, said: 'After they sent me home from hospital I tried to sleep, but by 2.30am the pain had got much worse and I couldn't get comfy. I had all the signs that I was in labour.

'I felt the urge to push so I went to the toilet to try and ease the pain but when I realised what was happening I just sort of gave birth.

'I shouted to Alistair to grab his head, but before I knew it Ryan was in my arms.

'I just took one push and he was out, I had him in my arms and thankfully he was just crying and crying.

'Alistair called the paramedics and they arrived within about seven minutes.

'I can't believe they kept sending me away, it's shocking. Luckily we were all OK, but imagine if we weren't. It's a very scary experience.

'I'm very angry with how I have been let down.'

Mrs Wotherspoon later complained to the hospital, which apologised and agreed to reimburse her for any furniture damaged during the birth.

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