Teen girl violently abused for over a month by her boyfriend

Teen girl violently abused for over a month by her boyfriend

For more than a month, a 16-year-old girl had been caged in a rented flat and brutally abused almost every day by her 29-year-old “boyfriend” in Quanzhou city, southeast China’s Fujian province.

The girl, Xiao Ping (alias), only managed to escape from the flat early this month, and resorted to the local police for help. The animal offender was then arrested in the evening of June 5.

According to local police, the knife cuts, bruises, swellings were seen all over Xiao Ping’s cheeks, arms, legs and back, covering more than 50% of her body surface, and she sustained a hipbone fracture too.

The 16-year-old girl is from Hubei Province. She came to Quanzhou city to work as a waitress at a KTV one year ago. In February, she met her “boyfriend,” surnamed Huang, from Hunan Pronvince, through introduction of their friends, which unfortunately started the girl’s nightmare.

When Huang knew that Xiao Ping ever worked as a waitress at a night club, he became very suspicious. He often suspected that Xiao Ping had affairs with others, such as her old patrons, when she made photo calls, or texted messages.

Huang’s suspicion finally led to his frenzy, and attack against Xiao Ping.

Teen girl violently abused for over a month by her boyfriend

Since April 25 this year, Xiao Ping had been locked up in a rented flat, and cruelly beaten with belts, clubs, ashtrays, knifes and other tools by Huang. Sometimes, the sick man would even drag her to take shower in hot water after abuse too.

Xiao Ping told police, in order to please Huang, she ever took initiative to hand out her band card and password to him. But Huang did not stop beating her, after withdrawing all of her savings.

Huang is a typical punk. He has had no decent job after migrating from his hometown to Quanzhou. For most of time, he played cards together with his friends. A day, Xiao Ping took the opportunity Huang went out again to flee the flat.

She reached a friend living in the same city, and with the help of the friend, Xiao Ping reported the crime in the local police station.

The police were shocked to see the wounds all over the victim’s body, and started investigation immediately. Based on the information and photo of the man provided by Xiao Ping, police successfully apprehended Huang at the rented flat at around 11:30 p.m. of June 5.

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