Obama Health Care

US Senate has passed the 'Obama Health Care' bill into law & the implementation would commence on 23/03/2013.
This bill would require all Americans to be implanted with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip in order to access medical care. The device will be implanted on the forehead or on the arm.
This is to fulfil the prophesy in the Book of Revelation 13:15-18, concerning the MARK OF THE BEAST!
Are you still in doubt concerning the ENDTIME? GET READY! The rapture is near!
Revelations 13 is being played out right before us. Many are still unaware.
Now, ask yourself:
(1) Why is the chip being implanted exactly where the Bible says it would be? Why on the hand and forehead? Why not anywhere else?
(2) Why is it being connected to your bank account?

Remember the Bible says you won't be able to buy or sell without the mark. And guess what?! The chip is connected to your financial details! And don't tell me that it's a developed world process, technology or something fancy.

The chip is connected to your financial details.. What breaks my heart the most, is that many people in the church will not make it if Jesus comes now. Many are unaware that the end is near.. If any area of your life is not in sync with Gods word, its time to make an unqualified u-turn NOW.. Hell is not a pretty place..the worst part is that people will be there FOREVER...please rather than post and forward boko haram devilish accomplishments, join me and sound the alarm. Send to everyone you know.. PLEASE play ur part in this..God bless u......23/3/2013- 2 times 33 equals 66,2+0+1+3 equals 6....u have 666 in dat date..What is your take on this?

If any area of your life is not in sync with God's word, its time to make a quick u-turn NOW...
Repent and be converted. If you miss heaven you can never miss hell...think about it.
Hell is not a pretty place, the worst part is that it is for eternity...Rather send this than post and
forward senseless messages.

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