Can You See The Dog???


For most young men, this is a lady with a shapely hind end.  A smidgen large, perhaps, but still pretty doggone nice, and only the most observant will notice that she is crossing a street.

The really observant will also notice that she is wearing a thong.

To older men, she'll appear to be a respectable woman, with a nice tush, probably on her way to work.  Some of them will imagine her naked.  Most of them, really.
Wiser men will ponder the presence of mind of the photographer to take the shot in the face of such beauty and be grateful that they shared it.
Some of the women will think she's an ordinary woman who just shouldn't have left home dressed that way, while some others, jealous, will think she is a slut but wonder where she bought that blouse.
Older women will imagine the misery those curves will cause by the time the woman reaches 50.

But only children, innocent and intelligent and observant, will notice that the taxi is being driven by a dog.

For most young men, this is a lady with a shapely hind end.  A smidgen large, perhaps, but still pretty doggone nice, and only the most observant will notice that she is crossing a street.

The really observant will also notice that she is wearing a thong.

To older men, she'll appear to be a respectable woman, with a nice tush, probably on her way to work.  Some of them will imagine her naked.  Most of them, really.
Wiser men will ponder the presence of mind of the photographer to take the shot in the face of such beauty and be grateful that they shared it.
Some of the women will think she's an ordinary woman who just shouldn't have left home dressed that way, while some others, jealous, will think she is a slut but wonder where she bought that blouse.
Older women will imagine the misery those curves will cause by the time the woman reaches 50.

But only children, innocent and intelligent and observant, will notice that the taxi is being driven by a dog.

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