Blooms every 40 years - 8th Wonder of the world

One of nature's jewels that so many may never see.
The largest flower in the world was blooming in Blanco, Veracruz , Mexico.
Two meters (6 5/8 feet) high and weighing 75 kilos (165 1/3 lbs).
It has the peculiarity of blooming only during three days every 40 years.

You'd only see it once or twice in a lifetime! Shouldn't this qualify as the "8th Wonder of the World"?

Amorphophallus titanum (Araceae), also called "cadaverous flower"
Has the peculiarity of blooming only during three (3) days every 40 years.

Do you suppose God gave us a flower that represents the 40 years in the desert.
"And it only blooms for 3 days - the length of time Jesus died and rose."

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