Tell Hollywood "Jesus" is NOT a Swear Word

The Bible says, “For there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."

It’s too bad that not all of Hollywood knows this truth!!

Every night on TV and every week in the movie theaters, the name of Jesus is being used not to refer to God’s Son -- but rather as a way to curse and to swear. The Bible says this should not be!

In the USA Network's show "Suits", the name of Jesus is blasphemed and hauled through the sewer constantly. And even ONCE is too much.

Now suddenly in the second season the characters are all gurgling over using Jesus’ name as a swear word! This is typical of current television.

God is never glorified when his Son’s name is taken in vain. You and I cannot let this continue. So we intend to do something about it.

by Christian Film & Television Commission Campaign

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