Become a better you

Joel Osteen “Become a better you”

Discovering your destiny
1.     Before you were born, God saw you, & He endowed you with gifts & talents uniquely designed for you. He’s given you ideas & creativity, as well as specific areas in which you can excel.
2.     Why, then, do so many people today feel unfulfilled in their lives, merely going to work at some mundane job, trying to earn a living, stuck in a career they don’t even like? The answer is simple: They are not pursuing the dreams & desires God has placed within their hearts.
3.     I can’t think of anything more tragic than to come to the end of life on earth & realize that you have not really “lived,” that you have not become what God created you to be. You simply endured an average, mediocre life. You got by, but you lived without passion or enthusiasm.
4.     Ironically, the wealthiest places on earth are the cemeteries, because lying in those graves are all kinds of dreams & desires that will never be fulfilled. Buried beneath the ground are books that will never be written, business that will never be started, & relationships that will never be formed.
5.     Our goal should be that we’re going to live life to the fullest, pursuing our passions & dreams, and when it comes our time to go, we will have used as much of our potential as possible.
6.    Your destiny will usually follow the dream about which you are most passionate. What are you passionate about? What do you really love doing? Your destiny will be a part of the dreams & desires that are in your heart – part of your very nature. Because God made you & He is the one who put those desires within you in the first place.
7.    I really believe when we get into our destiny & we are doing what we know we’re called to do, enthusiasm & excitement will exude from us naturally. We may not jump up & down every day, but deep within, we’re going to know: This is what I was called to do. This is why I was born. This is my destiny.
8.    Examine your life & be aware of how you’re spending your time. Are you pursuing your passion? Are you doing what you are good at naturally? If not, why don’t you make some changes? Time is short. Find one thing that you’re passionate about and start giving yourself to it. And God will lead you one step at a time.

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