Some Wacky Mature Quotes

If necessity is the mother of invention, then… Frustration is the  father of masturbation!

Always marry a woman with small palms. It makes your dick  look bigger !

I believe in safe sex...I've got a handrail around the  bed.

Just remember: No matter how hot & sexy a babe is,  someone somewhere  is tired of fucking her!

The difference between sex and death is that, with death, you  can do it  alone and no one is going to make fun of you.

Life without Friends is like Boobs without Nipples...  POINTLESS !

Go braless: it'll pull the wrinkles out of your face.

The importance of UNITY explained at it's best: What  did one leg of a  woman tell the other: UNITED we are saved, Divided we are  Fucked.

Old Proverb: A smile is a curve that makes everything  straight.
New Proverb: Boobs are curves that make Something super  straight...!

Slogan on a boy's T-shirt: Please tell your boobs not  to stare at my eyes.

Fuck a girl ; she'll love you... Love a girl;  she'll fuck you!

All those who proclaim that dog is man's best friend,  have evidently not played with a pussy.

The irony of a blow job is that even if you have her at your feet  she's got you by the balls.

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