For a change - Spirituality

If I have to give you an illustration of what has been said in the modern context, I may refer you to the game of football, where some children are on one side and others are on the other side.
There will be say, six children playing on one side and six on the other side. They have a ball put in the centre. This ball will be hit by the players who play on one side and the players who play on the other side. Not only will they have two fixed boundaries, two limits, on either side but also a rule that the game should be played within the limits which have been accepted on both sides.
Today, in the world, every man and every woman is continuously playing football during his life. Our heart is the football ground. It is not the physical heart but the spiritual heart. In this playground of our spiritual heart, on one side are the arishadvargas or the six bad qualities.
These six bad qualities are kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada, and matsarya. That is lust, anger, greed, attachment, arrogance and jealousy. On the other side are the six other players, sathya, dharma, shanthi, prema along with two others ahimsa and poornathwa, that is, non-violence and fullness. These two contestants are having the ball, which is life, right between them.
The good people are hitting the ball and the bad people are also hitting the ball. But the situation now is that we are not able to decide who is going to get the victory. The bad people are having physical strength and the good people are having divine strength.

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