14 Javanese Principles

In the middle of increasing demand to give more attention to Yogyakarta and Surakarta ’s special status, we also reminded about the 14 Javanese principles:

1.  "Nglurug Tanpa Bala, Menang Tanpa Ngasorake, Sekti Tanpa Aji-Aji, Sugih Tanpa Bandha" 

Meaning: fight without involving other people; win without humiliating or underestimating others; charm that not base on force / power / money / bloodline; a wealth that not come from material items

2.  "Datan Serik Lamun Ketaman, Datan Susah Lamun Kelangan"

 Meaning: don’t give up when bad things occur and don’t be sad when you lose something

3.  "Sepi ing Pamrih Rame ing Gawe, Banter tan Mbancangi, Dhuwur tan Ngungkuli"

Meaning: work hard whole hearty supported with high spirit; quick but no need to outpace others; aim high but no need to exceed others

4.  Aja Gumunan, Aja Getunan, Aja Kagetan, Aja Aleman"

Meaning: do not confuse easily; do not regret easily; do not surprise easily; and do not spoil yourself

5.  "Aja Ketungkul Marang Kalungguhan, Kadonyan lan Kemareman"

Meaning: Do not let yourself imprison by the obsession for position / material / other world desire

6.  "Aja Kuminter Mundak Keblinger, Aja Cidra Mundak Cilaka, Sing Was-was Tiwas"

 Meaning: never think yourself as the smartest one – these habit will guided you towards right direction; do not cheat – these will avoid disaster from happening; whoever doubt those 2 principles will perish

7.  "Aja Milik Barang Kang Melok, Aja Mangro Mundak Kendo"

Meaning: don’t let yourself tempted by luxurious and beautiful things; avoid ambiguity in order to maintain good spirit and determination

8.  "Aja Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna"

 Meaning: avoid self centered and power oriented mind set

9.  "Sing Sabar lan Ngalah Dadi kekasih Allah" 

Meaning: Be patient and yield in order to become God’s lover

10.      "Sing Prihatin Bakal Memimpin" 

Meaning: whoever willing to live a modest life will become a warrior, a fighter and a leader

11.      "Sing Resik Uripe Bakal Mulya"

Meaning: honesty will lead you to a noble life

12.      "Urip Iku Urup"

 Meaning: A good life is a life which can gives positive contribution to the others

13.      "Sura Dira Jayaningrat, Lebur Dening Pangastuti"

 Meaning: Courage, power and influence can be beaten by peace / prosperous greetings

14.      "Memayu Hayuning Bawana, Ambrasta dur Hangkara"

Meaning: all living human must fight for their safety, happiness and prosperity. They must also fight the anger and greed within themselves

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